Chapter 20. Brussels

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We woke up at 6 am because I had to get a shower. I waited for it to heat up and hopped in, I heArd the door open then Luke hopped in the shower with me smiling as I covered my body with my arms I was embarrassed. I was about to get out but Luke said "please stay because we both need a shower so why not save water and beside we could help each other wash" I sighed "fine" he washed my back and I washed his back and hair because he washed my hair. We got out 10 minutes later and I dryer myself and dryed Luke's hair and styled it then I dryed, straightened and styled my hair. We both got dressed and by now it 7:30 so it 1 Hour until the Interview 3 hours to the meet and greet and 6 hours until the Concert. We both walked downstairs and got some breakfast and coffee. When we made our way to the Interview we were 5 minutes early the interviewer can in 20 mins later because it was the same one as last time but this time she was trying to impress someone then I remembered last time she asked Ashton question "Any special girls?" he said no she she must be moving in on innocent Ashton. She sat and said " 5SOS tour deets today so fan questions we are accepting just for all of you so one from @5SOSAnimalz _ fave Animals?" the guys looked and said(l Luke c Callum a Ashton m Michael)
l : Penguins
c: dogs
a: dogs
m: lion
We laughed at Luke's Nd then we got another question.
" from.@Thomas Cook fave show destination"
they all said Paris and then moved onto next question.
"Fave colour from @RainbowGeeks?"
l :Blue
c: Orange
a: Blue
m : red
" ok so questions from studio ok 1. Ashton dating Anyone?
2.Fave holiday destination
3. Fave website"
I: 1.dunno ask him
2. Turkey
3. wattpad
C: all the same as Luke's
A: 1. nope but I've got my eye on a girl in Germany
2. Turkey
M:all the Lukes

"ok so everyone that was 5Sos and remember they have a meet and greet now in the mall so get down there"
We stood up and left to go to the meet and greet in the mall.When we got there only 20 people were there so we got finished quickly and left for getting ready for the Concert in the stadium. I only did Luke's make up because his hair was fine.After wards he went to do sound check with everyone else. After this show we were going to set off for Amsterdam in Netherlands.

They were finished performing and we left for Amsterdam, Luke and I decided to go to sleep as we got on the bus.

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