Home for the Holidays- Part 2

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A few hours later, Lacey had helped Tricia prep all the food for Thanksgiving and made a few desserts. Everything else would be done in the morning. Taylor ordered food for the day and now they were all sitting down to eat. Marcie was back upstairs in bed and Marcus and Lacey were giving Mel a hard time about her boyfriend.

"He looked lame to me," Marcus said.

"Everybody don't like gangstas," Mel defended. "He's smart and he treats me right."

"And that's what matters," Lacey said. "But that doesn't mean he has to be a lame, cousin."

Mel sucked her teeth.

"Leave my baby alone," Tricia said. "You can date a lame."

"Auntie, he's not lame, I swear," Mel said. "I'm telling him not to come tomorrow," Mel said. "Y'all gonna embarrass me."

Rici laughed as she cut up Savanna's food. "He's nice ya'll. I met him."

The doorbell rang so Tricia got up to answer it.

"Who coming over here?" Lacey asked. Rici shrugged her shoulders.

"Hey baby doll," they heard Tricia said. Lacey rolled her eyes knowing that was what Tricia called Wanny.

"Hey auntie!" she said, walking into the dining room. "Hey family."

"Where you been, Nigel?" Rici asked, not looking up from her food.

"Don't start with me, Latricia," Wanny said, turning to Tricia. "I brought banana pudding for tomorrow."

"Go ahead and put in the frig and come eat."

Wanny nodded before mugging her siblings and Lacey and walking into the kitchen.

"I seriously want to choke her out," Rici said.

"Stop it," Tricia said. "Today was a good day for your mom and we will not disturb her with some mess tonight."

Later that night after everyone settled down, Lacey was on the couch listening to Jay play some beats he wanted to write on.

"Ya flight lands at 2 right?" Jay asked. Lacey nodded as she kicked her toes to move the cover down. "I'll be there to get y'all."

Lacey smiled into the phone. "You miss me bae?"

"Something serious," he said. "And you spending the night with me. Thought you was gonna make me wake up on my birthday lonely."

"I wouldn't dream of it," she said. "I even got a nice little fit to sleep in."

"Naked would be better," he said. Lacey rolled her eyes.

"You gonna get this lingerie and love it."

Jay laughed. "Okay goofy." Lacey yawned before closing her eyes. "Goodnight."

"No," Lacey whined. "Talk me to sleep."

"When did you get so spoiled?" he said, hoarsely. Lacey snuggled up to the pillow she had on the couch.

"I don't know," Lacey whined. "You make me happy," she admitted. Jay looked at her with a shocked expression on his face. Lacey blushed.


Lacey nodded. "I was so ready to come chill with my family but now I'm so ready to get back to you." Jay nodded and licked his lips before his eyes closed. "Why you so sleepy? It's only 11 there."

"Had a long day," he sighed, rubbing down his face.

"Want to talk about it?"

"Producer I was working with tripping a little."

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