Made In the Fire

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"Allow me to reintroduce myself..."

Lacey and Cassidy giggled

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Lacey and Cassidy giggled.

"You may now address me as Drena Renee Reeyes," she said. Lacey and Cassidy cheered and clapped off camera. "It's been a long time...I shouldn't have left you without a dope beat to step to...let me stop getting off topic. I know you guys want the wedding footage...but you just aren't ready for it! However, today I am going to show you all the wedding dresses I said no to before the lovely Angel Brinks stepped in and got your girl together."

"She glowing like she's pregnant," Cassidy whispered to Lacey.

She shook her head. "Nah, that's just a 'my celibacy ended and I'm married now' glow." They giggled. Drena talked a little more before signaling that she was done. Lacey hit stop on the camera as Drena hopped out of her chair. She pushed her toes into her Coach slides before walking over to them near the tripod as Lacey sent the video to their shared drive.

"What you heffas say."

"How's the d?" Cassidy said. Lacey and Drena both looked shocked. "Oh was that too much?" she asked, covering her mouth with three fingers.

"You good?" Lacey asked. Cassidy sighed.

"I haven't seen Rell in days," she pouted.


"School and work. Finals are about to kick my ass."

"You need some time off?" Drena asked. Cassidy quickly shook her head.

"No, I'm balancing it. Just miss my man."

"Ohhhhh, your man," Lacey and Drena teased. Cassidy blushed before taking the camera from Lacey to put it on the charger.

"Speaking of man," Drena blushed, holding up her phone. "Let me talk to my husband before his break is over."

"Been back for a week and she gonna 'my husband us to death'," Cassidy teased. When Lacey didn't laugh, she frowned. "You okay?"

Lacey ignored the question. "Can you do me a favor and make some coffee. I got a call but I really need some."

"Sure," Cassidy said.

Lacey didn't want to stress Cassidy or Drena, but she hadn't realized how much she stretched herself thin with her finances the last few months. Between the holidays, Drena's destination wedding, helping her mom, and her own bills, Lacey knew she needed to pack her calendar this month in order to catch up. There was no way she would tell Tricia that she couldn't cover the bills she promised her she could.

Her saving grace was banking on summer time. It was mid April and spring and summer seemed to be great content wise. There were hair conventions, festivals, all type of events that she could either blog about or attend. She also wanted to start looking into other streams of income like investing.

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