Home for the Holidays

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With everyone back home and in work mode, Lacey racked her brain to figure out what to do for Jay's 40th. Between that, her project with Toni, getting more requests from brands, and the regular duties at FACE, she was beyond exhausted.

Drena had been in and out that week due to wedding plans. It was no secret that she would be extra when it came to her dress, so she was flying back and forth to some designer she fell in love with in Atlanta to custom design it.

Lacey was knocked out of her thoughts when she heard Cassidy throwing up in the bathroom. She waited until she heard her turn the water on and leave out of the bathroom to go out front.

"Hey boo, you okay?"

Startled, Cassidy jumped a little before nervously laughing. "Hungover, I do believe."

Lacey frowned

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Lacey frowned. "On a Wednesday?"

"Taco Tuesday?" Cassidy said, smiling. Lacey rolled her eyes.

"Yeah okay, taco Tuesday my ass. You got a lot to do?"

Cassidy rolled her chair further under her desk. It was then that Lacey noticed the bags under her eyes. Maybe she was doing too much? Was making her full-time a mistake?

"Nope. Some contracts came in that I forwarded to the attorney. Waiting on a response and cleaning up this client folder."

"Okay, well, order Roscoe's then. I'm hungry and I'm sure you could use the grease."

Cassidy quickly picked up her phone. "Don't have to tell me twice."

Lacey chuckled before turning to walk back to her office. "Obama special please."

"I know!"

Lacey's phone ringing on her desk caused her to jog to catch it. She sighed when she saw that it was Toni.

"Hey Toni!"

"Hey Lacole," Toni said. "I have some exciting news for you."

"What's up?"

"Our funding came in to start production on that other project I was telling you about."

"That's awesome!" Lacey said. She was excited because this one didn't have Jamie on it.

"So we need to go ahead and set a meeting soon so we can get right into it once this one we're working on wraps."

"I'm sure we can get you in whenever you want," Lacey said. "You want me to have Cassidy reach out to you for details?"

"I was actually thinking of a different space," Toni said. Lacey frowned.

"May I ask why?"

"I just like to switch it up sometimes," she said. Lacey rolled her eyes.

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