Honeymoon is Over

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Lacey smirked as she watched a clip of Jay at an overseas show on his IG story. She sent a heart emoji before closing out of Instagram and pushing her phone down on the couch. She was glad he was back to work, because his attitude had been trash. It had been a week since she left his house and as promised she hadn't been back. They hadn't even really talked about it either which bothered her, but she had to focus on work.

It wasn't as if they didn't have any communication. Jay called her the day after she left to let her know he'd been booked for some overseas shows and would let her know when he was back in town. Lacey was grateful for the space.

In a desperate attempt to get some traction back to her page, she posted her meditation session. It got more comments then she expected but it seemed as if it was something her following dealt with. Drena advised her to do a series on it, but now Lacey was hesitant. She didn't want to get too personal on her page. People were already speculating that she and Jay weren't together anymore. How the internet came up with that story she would never know.

She was currently sitting at the conference table in the front waiting on a consultation appointment. She and Cassidy were watching videos but Lacey could tell something was bothering her.

"What's up, Cass?"

"Nothing...just trying to think of something to do for Jarell's birthday. Is it corny that I want to throw him a party?"

Lacey smirked. "Didn't he take you out of town for yours?"

"Just to San Francisco."

"Still out of town," Lacey said. "That's your man, you can throw him a party."

"That's the thing, I suck at it."

Lacey laughed. "Seriously? Birthday parties are easy."

Cassidy's eyes lit up. "Can I pay you to plan it?"

Lacey frowned. "I'm not a professional."

"Why not? You literally have a creative business. And you planned most of the anniversary beach party. I was going to hire someone anyway. Why not keep the money in-house?"

Lacey bit her lip. She did love planning things but felt kind of weird thinking about Cassidy paying her for something.

"You want me to make a client profile for myself?" Cassidy said, shaking her mouse to wake her computer up. Lacey laughed.

"You don't have to do all that, just send me some ideas and a budget you want to stay under."

Cassidy smiled. "You're the best."

Lacey smiled, thinking of the anniversary party at the beach. It was a little stressful to get everything together, but she loved the creative process of it all. Being able to make a theme come together was something she enjoyed.

"Now, I'm lowkey excited," Lacey said. Cassidy giggled before they both looked up to see the door open.

Lacey smiled before Cassidy moved to the desk to sign them in. Lacey said a quick prayer over the meeting before going over to introduce herself.

Cassidy sighed as she watched one of her bosses get into work mode. She was a little hesitant about her decision to allow her to plan the party, she hadn't been all there lately, but hopefully getting back into her element will help.

Her phone buzzed so she pulled it out of her drawer and smiled to see a voice message from Jarell.

"You left me in my feelings last night...what do you plan to do to make it up to me?"

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