Teenage Fever

22 2 16

"You're the blame for what we could have been, 'cause look at where we are," - Drake

"Work work work work work!" Lacey yelled. It started off as her singing Rihanna, but Drena eyed her as her words became more aggressive. "I need a vacation soon."

"I second that," Drena said. "You sure you gonna be okay while I'm gone for the week?"

Lacey smiled. Drena had gotten an amazing opportunity in Toronto. Although this would be the longest she'd gone at FACE without her, she was more than willing to make it work.

"The temp will help me," Lacey said, excited that they had finally hired someone to work 3 days in the office doing administrative work. "Do your thing, baby girl."

Drena shook her head while snickering. "You a fool."

"We still going out to celebrate?"

"Of course," Drena said, smiling. "And I'm finally going to let my friends meet my man."

Lacey's mouth dropped as she started clapping. Drena laughed. "Okay! Boo graduating to my man and meeting friends and things."

"Yeah...he been acting right so I'll give him some rewards."

Lacey laughed. She'd seen Drena's boo in pictures but she didn't bring him around. Lacey admired that about her. She never went all the way in until she felt the guy was serious. Lacey usually fell in love too quick and things ended up bad. Drena took her time with everything.

"So you're still celibate, right?" Lacey asked.

"Yes, God came through on the prayer because Darius was with it."

"Was he now?" Lacey asked, skeptical.

"You said the same thing I said," Drena laughed. "I didn't tell him at first but when I did I was like, as long as we aren't exclusive you can do what you want. I know men have needs but don't make it official with me if you can't handle it. We only lasted that way for a few months."

"So how long y'all officially been together?"

"5 months," Drena said, smiling.

"So is this a date date thing?"

"A few people are bringing dates," Drena said. "What's up with you and Ken?"

Lacey laughed. "Nothing. You know I haven't talked to him since that night. I can ask Jay and see if he's free."

Drena raised an eyebrow. "Okay..."

"Don't do that," Lacey said, laughing.

"Do what?" Drena asked, trying not to smile.

"We are just friends. He's cool people and bringing him would be no pressure on me to be in date mode."

"Okay, Lacole."

"No you didn't call me Lacole," Lacey said, laughing. Drena just smirked and walked off towards her office. Lacey laughed before feeling her phone buzz against her butt. She pulled her phone out and smiled to see Aiden texted her about wanting to go to a Lakers game. She replied that if he actually got on a plane she would buy the tickets. Aiden had never been on a plane, anywhere he went was by car or train.

Before getting to work, Lacey sent Jay a text to ask if he was free to be her pity date for the night. Since he didn't respond right away, she put her phone away and got to work. She frowned when she got a call from Wanny. They never really talked. It wasn't as if they had beef, it was just Lacey was closer to Rici and Marcus.

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