Chapter 39: An Onslaught of Waves

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The uncomfortable shakes of the silent boat were not unlike those of the atmosphere surrounding you and Ace.

Many things had led you to your current awkward premise and the boat being way too small for the two of you was only the beginning. The boat, originally made for Ace's -and only Ace's- use, shook over the smallest wave and forced you into a position where you had to cling on for dear life not to fall off. While Ace did not seem that bothered by it; for you, who was not used to riding a boat fueled by Ace's fire, the cramped up space had become even more uncomfortable.

Sadly, rather than you, Ace seemed to be the one who had to endure the long journey as every time you felt yourself trip over the waves bumps you clinged to his body as if it were a lifeline. After a few minutes, he had stood up, you didn't know whether it was because of the fact that your faces got too close for comfort or the atmosphere that became even more uncomfortable each time, but now you were forced to stare at his legs throughout the journey, as he watched the direction of travel with concentration and made sure the boats flames did not touch you.

You coughed, letting out a breath of air out of nervousness rather than need, as you zoned out, gazing at the boat and it's plasters in a trance. It had been at least 6 hours since the beginning of your journey. Ace had not taken a single break, continuing to fuel the boat with his fire consistently and without any lack of efficiency. You wanted to ask him if he was tired but an unknown unease kept your mouth shut, the same feeling maintaining the quiet throughout your journey. While you moved restlessly Ace seemed much more composed, quietly observing the ever disappearing sea regally and handing you food and a blanket without even waiting for you to ask. For that reason even in the long silence in the boat you did not feel as if you were suffocating, but only felt the unease of the awkward quiet.

Suddenly however, a strong wave swept you out of your thoughts and caused you to wobble over the small contents of the boat. You yelped in surprise, clinging to Ace's leg for support and hoping not to fall off. But this time his leg wasn't much of a reinforcement. Ace let out a yelp similar to yours as he hit the boats floor with a thud, too shocked by your sudden move to keep the both of you upright.

You stared at each other with a look of surprise, you on top of him as though you were a monkey on top of a tree. You stuttered an apology as he looked at you with astoundment, his lips partly open from his sudden fall. From his shock it was easy to tell that he wasn't as collected and concentrated as you had thought, but in your current embarrassment you were too busy trying not to panic to notice. Ace moved to fix his hat but halted as both your eyes widened even more than they possibly could. He immediately stood up looking around the sea, trying to find the orange and blue clothing atop the water and paused. You gazed at his expression and grimaced as his hat which was a meter or so to the left of your boat floated dangerously upon the sea's waves. Knowing Ace couldn't swim you felt even more nervous at the fact that you were the reason his hat hovered over the waves instead of his head.

-"My hat." Ace stated as the both of you stared at it tip dangerously upon the waves. You could literally see Ace's head going into overdrive.

Realising it would take too long to maneuver the boat to reach for the hat you stood up, deciding to get it before it was engulfed never to be seen again. Seeing you stand up, Ace raised his brow:

-"Hey what are you-"

Before he could finish you jumped. On a mission to get back his floating hat.

Regret came soon afterwards as you started sinking immediately upon contact with the water, not listening to the commands of your body that knew all too well how to swim.

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