Chapter 12: Jealousy

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-"What are you Doing!? Let. Me. Go." You exclaimed, trying to get out of the old man's grasp. "Why are you stopping me?" You shouted.

-"I'm sorry but there is one important piece of information you forgot." He said, not easing his grip on your arms and keeping you firmly in place. "Even though you need to save Ace, you also need to take into consideration your effect on the timeline. This is where he meets the girl who will allow him to find the location of blackbeard. If he doesn't meet her, then it may become impossible for him to find blackbeard."

-"Isn't that the best outcome possible." you trashed around as you shouted.

-"Many things and I mean many things took place due to Ace's death. If he does not die, then maybe Luffy won't become as powerful as he was cause he won't have that emotional push. You need to find the best possible way of keeping him alive without causing a catastrophic change in the aftermath." He said, making sure you understood his explanations. After he was sure you were calm he released you.

-"How am I supposed to do that?" you inquired, confused on how you could limit the impact of Ace's death not taking place. When you looked back at the old man he was long gone, taking his leave as soon as he was done talking. Damn that guy!

-"Enough! What I need to do now is to safely find Ace " you said to yourself, focusing on the most important issue, Ace.


Ace groaned as he moved, feeling a chill in his bones.

-"You're finally up" said a feminine voice more as a statement rather than a question. Ace opened his eyes coming face to face with two blue eyes staring back at him. "Ehh, Where am I?" he questioned.

-"You are in the farthest side of Alabaska. I found you washed up in the river, almost dead." replied the girl. Ace quickly recalled the events that led up to him winding up here and remembered you running after him as he fell into the river.

-"I have to go back, the girl is probably looking for me." He scowled to himself, remembering your face. "Thank you for saving me, is there anything I can do for you in return?" he continued.

-"Well...I need a letter to be delivered somewhere..I would be very thankful if you could deliver it." Replied the girl looking at him with hope.

-"Sure. Where exactly is this letter supposed to be delivered?" asked Ace. Hoping to get it done quickly.

-"To the G-2 Marine Base." replied the girl, cluelessly. Well that makes things a little bit harder...

-"By the way do you have any food?"


After taking the clothes of an unfortunate marine soldier, Ace was currently in the process of hiding the unconscious man's body in a closet. "This is way too easy," he said, smiling as he closed the closet door. Now I only have to find a guy named Modil, give this letter and get out of here...Ace's ears picked up as he heard footsteps and 2 people conversing;

-"Modil, did you hear about the fight between the Whitebeard crew?"

-"Yeah I heard one of them died and the man called Blackbeard is on the loose, Whitebeard is searching for him too. Funny enough we already have a location estimate for where Blackbeard is."

-"Haaha while they are searching we have everything in our hands, ready to be used. Whitebeard sure has gotten weak. I mean look at his crew-"

Footsteps could be heard as Ace come out of his hiding spot and walked over the the two men. Before they could continue their conversation, Ace was on the mans face in seconds, holding the guy in place by the neck of his clothes. "What did you just say?" Ace glowered. Without hesitation punching the guy's face. As the marine fell to the ground, Ace turned his attention to the second man repeating his question "What did you just say? Weak?" The guy named Modil gulped, trying to step back. Ace held him by the neck. -"Damn, this is just my lucky day." Ace said, as he reached over to the man named Modil and gave him the letter before punching him in the face as well "The letter is for you."

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