Chapter 27: A V e r y Hot Pirate

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It was disappointing to say..But you didn't feel anything. No heart wrenching pain, no scream inducing torture...just.. nothing.

You weren't a masochist but you had gone and said all those cool words only for it to end up like this..

You stared at the jem with half-assed curiosity, noting that there were still a few drops left in it. You carefully placed the gem in the cupboard next to you on the ground, paying attention not to move your body too much, still conscious of the effects it could have on you.

Just then, your room's door slammed open, some of its hinges coming off as the old man's face appeared in front of you. You noticed that the inn was oddly silent.. Had he dealt with all those pirates in minutes? Oh god, he was mad. You chuckled and did an awkward smile as he stared at you with exasperation. You knew you had provoked him this time.

-"You fucking drank it didn't you." He asked you, still standing on the doorway, looking down at you with disappointment.

-"Relax! Yeah, I did. But so what?" you said trying to sound confident as you talked, getting courageous by the fact that you felt completely fine. "Besides I feel completely fine!" you continued, holding the cupboard to stand up from the ground you were sitting down on.

Just as you stood, you froze.

Your body completely seized up and convulsed in pain as you felt the most excruciating pain you had ever felt right through your stomach. It was as if everything had become dark and white, colorles. A coughing fit overtook your entire body, as your hands tried to cover up your mouth that felt like it was breaking off into two parts.

You could hear shouting but you didn't know if it was yours or someone else's. You lowered your hands, barely seeing the color red covering the entirety of them like a canvas.

You grunted, as everything went dark.


Judging by the IV situated on your hand, it was very likely that you were in a hospital.

Slowly adjusting to the room you were in, your eyes traveled up and down the white bedsheets and slightly discolored white walls that had taken on a yellowish hue.

Upon fully awakening, your ears were able to pick up the hectic noises coming from outside your room, filled with bustling nurses and patients in need of care. This was the world of pirates after all..

With slow apprehensive moves, you touched your stomach where you had felt the agonizing pain that probably placed you here. You let out a sigh of relief when you felt nothing. At least the pain was gone for some time..

What had you done to your body...?

What would be the consequences of your reckless actions? You decided not to dwell on it, knowing you would be overwhelmed if you thought upon your actions too much. You had gotten here so far..

-"If this could be counted as getting anywhere..." You eyed the IV stuck on your hand, shivering as you imagined the needle in your skin. Scary.

Just then the door opened, and the old man entered your room. He smoothly picked the chair up next to the door and moved it over, right next to your bed. Sitting down in one swift move as he too stared at the needle stuck on your hand.

-"That's what you get for not listening" he said, you turned toward him with the fakest smile you could muster.

-"Well, we all have our bright ideas." your replied back, trying to convey to him how much you wanted to hit him in that moment. He looked back, as if he understood the meaning your eyes were trying to convey and replying with his own. Don't even try.

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