Chapter 30: Moby Dick

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Sleep didn't come easily to you anymore.

Was it the effects of the things you had experienced? The events that were to come or your own thoughts that kept you away from the dark nights you no longer found comfort in? You didn't know. The only thing you knew was the fact that the nightmares kept you from any ease you could find on the soft bed. You dreaded sleep, wishing you could hide from its authoritative force and run from the nightmares that made your skin crawl.

It was another one of those mornings where sleep that was supposed to strengthen you had ruined your day before it even began. You sighed, staring at the ceiling, hoping the feeling of panic would die out fast and that fear wouldn't grip at your whole being. You needed strength today.

You jumped up from the bed, happy to get away from the source of your nightmares but sad that you hadn't gotten a good night sleep yet again. You walked towards the pile of clothes you had laid down on the table; There weren't many, just a few t-shirts and dresses here and there which you had bought throughout your travel to enjoy life a little. Shopping therapy you called it.

For some reason you were putting extra care into your clothes today, having the need to look put together, pretty even. A luxury in the life of a pirate, especially yours.

Is it because you're gonna see a certain someone today? A sly voice emerged between your thoughts. You swatted the idea away, physically swiping the air as if it could make the idea vanish into thin air. Even though you were alone the thought made you embarrassed.

Your eyes caught a frilled pink dress and urged you to try it on. The dress was cute, reaching above your knees and hugging your body complimentarily. It even matched your earrings and the small ribbon you had used to tie a segment of your hair back. You smiled, looking at the mirror.

It was such a trivial thing but it made you happy. It was as if you were back in the times where choosing what to wear was something you could pay attention to. You looked cute!

You smiled one more time; Maybe you would pay attention to such things once again.

Begrudgingly putting on the cloak that had become a part of your image you walked out of the inn, hoping by the end of the day you would score a win on your journey as the Saver.


-"And then Luffy-"

-"Shut up-Yoi! We get it, the new rookie pirate is your brother, now SHUT UP!" Marco shouted at Ace who couldn't seem to stop talking about his brother. Everyone knew he was proud but it had become unbearable at this point, the topic had been going on for at least an hour. Noises of agreement surrounded the two at Marco's outburst, many seeking refuge in Marco's words.

Another party was taking place in the Moby Dick. This one was for... arriving on a new island.

-"And you guys have been drinking too much-yoi!" Marco added. Or no one would listen to Ace talk for at least an hour Marco thought to himself. They had gone to the bar yesterday and now no one was holding back in this party either. If this continued it wouldn't end well and Marco wasn't fond of the cleaning that came after the parties. Marco stared at Ace, who was currently leaning against the deck of the Moby Dick comfortably, praying that he wouldn't burn the ship down. He sighed, feeling like he was babysitting rather than partying.

-"Relax! The only reason you're so uptight is because your drink spilled everywhere yesterday." Ace responded to Marco the moment his sigh reached his ears. The statement was completely wrong but it did remind Marco of the girl who had spilled the drink. Ace seemed to have the same thoughts as Marco as he stood up straight and a semi serious expression took over his face.

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