Chapter 11: Ace's Anger

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Ace exhaled with irritation as he was yet again in another dead end. Does no single person know where he is? If this goes on I'm gonna have a hard time locating him...He groaned as he searched for another villager to ask about blackbeard before he noticed the girl's absence. He skimmed his surroundings trying to locate the troublemaker and noticed her talking to someone whose face he couldn't see. Feeling his stare she turned around and smiled as she walked towards where he was standing.


You walked towards Ace as soon as you felt his eyes on you. Ace looked at you curiously and asked:

-"Who was that?"

-"Someone asked me where to find a shop they were looking for" You replied trying to smile. You couldn't tell him that you were talking to the old man you met at the forest, who had made it an affinity of his to visit you.

-"Don't just talk to everyone you see around here, it's not safe and you don't know this area." Replied Ace. "And stay close." he added, turning his attention back to interrogating the townspeople. His words would have made you happy if you didn't know that he was saying them so he wouldn't have to save you again. What kind of saver am I?..You sighed thinking back to the conversation you had at the inn sometime ago. "I will take care of you until I get you out of this town, since smoker is after you because of me. Just try not to get in trouble. I'm sure they won't follow you to other places out of this town since you are not a threat." He had said. It had been 4 days since then. He kept trying to find blackbeard and left early in the morning without you.

He wouldn't tell you any information about why he was searching for blackbeard but due to the anime you already knew that blackbeard had stolen one of the devil fruits, killed his crewmate and that he was currently on the run from the whitebeard crew. Because Ace left early in the morning you hadn't made any progress in getting close to him, but it had given you time to train, during which the old man came to visit you. He had complimented you that you were improving your powers, but you both knew you had a way to go. Ace wouldn't let you wander outside without him due to the marines, so today you had to beg him to go outside with him. Hence, now you were trailing after him as he investigated.

-"Did you make any progress?" you asked, trying to start a conversation. He Laughed proudly that you almost believed he had accomplished something.

-"Nope. None." He said, still smiling, too proud to show his annoyance. You sighed in relief, happy that his time of confrontation with blackbeard was not close yet. Suddenly he perked up as he stared at a group of villagers a meter or two away.

-"Those guys look like they know some gossip in this town. Look they have a beard and everything!" Ace exclaimed.

-"That doesn't even make sense-" before you could finish he had already run off. You groaned and ran after him, curing his stupidly cute antics. However before you could reach him, he turned around with excitement and came over to your side.

-"They told me they know him and that he goes by the name doctor around here." He stated and turned thoughtfully. "That's a weird title to go by, but he has always been an egoist, so maybe that's another ego boost for him..." he murmured almost to himself. Coming out of his thoughts, he turned to you, his eyes turning serious. 

-"I'm going over there right right now. That means you need to go back to the inn." He said his tone the most humorless it had been in days. He saw that you were about to protest and cut you off.

-"You are not coming with me." He said almost glaring at you.

-"No way! Why can't I? You can't stop me!" You protested despite his resolution. Feeling worried with the thought that he would be alone with blackbeard, even though the rumor could turn out to be fake.

-"This is my business which has nothing to do with you. Just because I saved you doesn't mean you can intervene with my personnel matters. If you come along I will have to look after you as well. I don't have the luxury to do that." Snapped Ace, his eyes angrily staring at you. You stepped back, hurt showing in your eyes. Ace grimaced.

-"I'm worried about you" you breathed out. He looked at you for a second more, his mouth forming a frown.

-"You don't need to be. Now go back to the inn. Now." He said as he turned his back and started walking. You grimaced and let out a breath in annoyance. 

He had left you no choice...No choice but to follow him.


Following Ace hadn't been easy. At all. He could seem like an airhead and headon but he was very aware of his surroundings. It took all of you to not get caught, taking notice of his gazes at his circumforaneous. After at least a half hour of walking Ace stopped in front of a door. He started examining it. 

This doesn't seem like a practical place to hide for a fugitive..You thought, starting to question the relevance of the information told to Ace. Before you could go over to stop him. He kicked the door open, sending it flying and breaking the hinges off the wall. He dragged out an ordinary man with a black beard by his neck and kicked him onto the ground.

-"It was fun while it lasted huh Blackbeard?" asked Ace with a mocking tone. Your eyes widened in shock. That was definitely not blackbeard. That was just a common villager!

You got up from your position ready to run over to him. Before you could, however, a whole bunch of villagers who had witnessed the assault were on top of Ace.

You ran over, trying to reach him, but the amount of people surrounding him were too much. You couldn't hurt civilians.
-"Get out of my way! Move!" You shouted.

You had to do something, Ace wouldn't hurt people that were innocent. But, before you could do anything the villagers had thrown Ace over in the river. No! Ace can't swim because of his devil fruit!

-"No!" You shouted pushing people to the side, ready to jump in the lake. Panic overriding your mind. Just as you took off your cloak so it wouldn't weigh you off, two strong hands gripped your arms and stopped you from moving. You sharply turned around coming face to face with your old man.

-"Stop it." He said.


That's the end of this Chapter.

This scene isn't shown in the anime but it actually happens in the manga, where Ace faulty believes the doctor blackbeard the villagers tell him about is the pirate blackbeard himself. Lol I laughed when I learned about that part. He is very smart but he can be dumd at times. Anyway! Look forward to the next part cause I smell some Jealousy.~

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