Chapter 21: Don't Panic

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Writers note: IMPORTANT: It has come to my attention that some readers think the staff can be used without actually touching it. You actually cannot. The mistakes on me I wrote it too literally. It is second nature to you that it feels as if you are not wielding it. You still need to hold, use, have contact etc.  

Sorry for the misunderstanding! Hope that clears everything up! ENJOY! ✌️


Current time left= 48: 00: 00

What had happened? Why had the timeline changed? It wasn't like this before, the story was not like this before..

The timeline could no longer be trusted. You no longer had the upper hand. From now on anything could happen.

-"Shit. Shit, Shit. Shit." you murmured to yourself biting the nail of your thumb.

-"SHIT!" standing up and grabbing your staff you turned towards the door in a hurry. I had one fucking job. ONE FUCKING JOB. Over your hurried attempt to leave you bumped into wide muscular shoulders, unaware of the presence of other people in the room. You looked up in a frenzy, coming face to face with Lucky Roux and Benn Beckman.

-"Where are you going?" asked Benn, not fazed at all by your loud cursing. You didn't care either way, however.

-"I need to leave."

-"Where? Shanks told me to keep and eye on you. Don't make this harder for me." he complained clearly not interested in babysitting, too fed up with Shank's childish antics to deal with yours. Normally you would be embarrassed by his statement about babysitting but the situation felt too dire to feel anything but panic.

-"Ace just called me. Says he found the location of Blackbeard and that he will reach him in 2 days. 2 months faster than expected." you breathed out, trying to talk fast so you could leave.

-"And?" Benn asked further, already knowing where this was going.

-"I need to find him."

-"And how are you going to do that?" he asked critically. You both sighed, feeling exhausted from the cat and mouse chase you were getting on. Shanks had left only recently and it would be impossible for him to find Ace's location and meet up with you guys in 2 days. Benn looked at you thinking the same thoughts you were calculating in your head. You were in this alone.

Lucky Roux whispered something to Benn's ear, as Benn murmured back.

-"Come with me" he simply said, turning around and heading out the room.


Current time left= 46: 30: 15

You and what was left of the crew after Shanks left stood huddled around a table as Lucky Roux deciphered your snail phone, or at least tried to. It was against the rules of snail phone systems to give out the location and other such prevailing information of the participants of a phone call. And currently you were trying to make your snail phone give out the location of the call, hacking the system they called it.

-"Listen little man, you either help me out and tell me the guys location or I will have to do something I really don't want to." Roux said threateningly, testing the waters. Your snail didn't budge, you felt really sorry betraying him like this, but this was a situation of life and death.

-"Fuck it." Luck Roux said impatiently, done with waiting. He raised his hands, opening them wide as you grimaced, taking a step back. Just as you were about to close your eyes, you saw Roux's hand make contact with your snail phone. Tickling him with the most serious face you had seen him pull.

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