Chapter 23: Conquerors

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-"Another pillar is being destroyed!" a man shouted in shock as a pillar the size of a mountain fell to the ground, causing a small earthquaker with its fall. The villagers had gathered to watch the catastrophe from a far off mountain on the island. Blackbeard's crewmates also stood at the side as they watched the events, obeying Blackbeard who had told them they were too weak for a fight like this.

-"What's going on? This isn't a human's doing."

-"Not only this town..The whole island will get...!" Another explosion took place sending many to their knees as screams accompanied the shaking ground.

-"I always thought devil fruit users relied too much on their power, but this is as expected of a commander on Whitebeard's ship. His physical poweress alone is amazing." one of Blackbeard's crewmates spoke up, unfazed by the explosions taking place.

You had just climbed the mountain as you overheard the conversations taking place in this area of refugees. Paying no attention to their trivial talk you continued to walk towards the explosions.

I hope Luffy and his crew will be here soon. You thought to yourself. Panic clawed at your feet. Just as you were about to jump off of the mountain a voice spoke up.

-"What do you think you are doing?" The same man from Blackbeard's crew spoke up. They surrounded you, ready to protect their captain from anything that resembled danger. The only thing they could currently do.

-"Get out of my way." you replied, pulling the hood of the cloak away from your face.

-"Oh? It's The Saver? What brings you here? Are you interested in joining our crew?" he asked with interest.

-"You wish." you replied, starting to walk again. Not surprised that he knew your identity, already used to getting recognized after the wanted posters that had been distributed all around the world. Upon your words, however, all of them drew their weapons, pointing them at you threateningly. You eyed the gun pointed at your face, afraid of wasting time in such trivial battle.

-"Listen. I don't have time to waste on you. Just move out of my way." You responded. Your voice shook from worry. Your head filled with scenarios that could take place in the aftermath of the fight with Blackbeard. You gripped your staff out of reflex.

-"We can't do that. You aren't allowed to intervene with this fight." the man spoke up again, your anger flaring up at his meddling.

Just then a gasp rose among the villagers, causing all of you to divert your attention to what shocked them so much. You gasped too as you viewed the sky, dread and panic consuming your body at the sight.

The sky was filled with fire, bigger than the island and grander than any other fire you had seen. It formed into a circular mass of flames. Like the sun itself. You felt your body burn, heat affecting you even from such distance. Alongside the monopolizing fire stood an equally frightening darkness. So black it made you forget the meaning of light and heat. Your knees gave way at the sight, but you stood grounded unlike many who fell in fear.

Such powerful attacks could only mean they are giving it their all... A final blow.

-"Fuck!" you gasped out as you ran, adrenaline filing your body completely at the view of such sight. But your adrenaline filled jolt was short lived as two hands grabbed you, blocking you from moving any further. You looked up. Coming face to face with Blackbeard's crew.

-"Let me go! For fucks sake!" You struggled to free yourself from their hold. Shouting out curses as you struggled. Their hold didn't loosen. Instead one of them grabbed your staff, fighting it off your hands against your protests.

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