Chapter 28: A Nightmare.

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-" ...Fire Fist Ace!"

The room was clustered, full of people who were discussing nothing but one issue. The name had been going around the building like wildfire, leaving no mouth free of it's curse. It was like a chain reaction, the catalysts of the infamous pirates sad end had spread everywhere. When the title finally reached Sabo's ears he stopped dead in his tracks. Something about that name just familiar. So very important. But he didn't know why.

At that moment, after he had heard the name which had put him in this state, it was like all the people in the room no longer existed. Just Sabo and his brain trying to piece together this feeling he could only describe as doom. He walked towards the table where the discarded newspapers stood. He could feel a sense of dread occupying the entirety of his body. His hands shook noticeably but he didn't even recognize them.

How could one name, a person he didn't even know make him feel this suffocated, this worried? The crispy thin paper of the newspaper wrinkled under his hold as he slowly opened the cover page. In the middle of the paper stood a man. Smirking and glaring at the camera. Jet black hair and black eyes. A symbol of freedom.

A freedom that he was robbed of.


Sabo's eyes diluted in shock. Beads of sweat formed on his face and slid down in agony. Sabo took in short gasps of air as his whole body shook. In the back of his mind he could feel himself starting to remember something, someone. Ace..Ace-

He slammed the newspaper down on the table, relying on the 4 legged wood to keep him upright. His loud gasps could now be heard across the room. He was struggling to breath, his chest heaving up and down trying to stabilize him.

-"Sabo what's wrong?!" someone shouted. However, Sabo couldn't hear those words, he continued to whimper. Sweat trickled down only to be replaced by new beads. Tears dropped on the news paper, creating wet spots on the photo of a smiling man. Ace. The world was swirling around him.

Sabo's cries increased by the second. His whimpers turning into sobs, his sobs turning into screams. Tears suffocating his face.

Sabo let off a sudden cry, slamming his hands on the table, hugging the newspaper close to his body.

-"Are you alright?? Sabo! Sabo?" 

Tasting salty tears in his mouth Sabo's body convulsed as his knees gave way. The newspaper slipped from his hands, falling on the floor. He followed along, hitting his back with force and losing himself completely to pain and darkness as he screamed:

-"BROTHER!!!" ________________________________________________________________________

You jumped from your bed, holding the damp sheets clamped up in your hands as you gasped in and out.

Another nightmare...

You shouldn't have watched Sabo's reaction to Ace's death. It had affected you even before you had known the way Ace had died. Especially after coming to this world, you could spiritually relate to Sabo, you could feel his pain. You groaned as you fixed your hair, feeling panic and fear pool in your stomach.

You wiped the sweat that had formed on your body, looking down on your grey tank top and shorts now fully sticking to you.

You sighed and hugged yourself close, still affected by the way Sabo had screamed in your dream.

Don't worry.

Tomorrow is another day after all.

You covered your head, hoping you could fall asleep peacefully this time.

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