Chapter 32: Reminisce

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-"Tell me, why do you seek to join my crew?"

This question was one that you definitely had a hard time answering. Why did you want to join? You would need to hide at least half of your powers, see the face of the person who gave you pain at every sight, and live with a crew who could die in a war that you were supposed to be stopping. But... you needed to watch over the events, keep an eye out for change, and just maybe-

Just maybe, said a small part of yourself that allowed you to accept your feelings, you were utterly scared and lonely.

Tired of only relying on yourself, but too scared to admit that you didn't have the trust to rely on anyone else.  

You looked up towards Whitebeard, who was glancing at you curiously with a knowing smile on his face. This man, as old as he was, could not be described as anything but powerful. He reminded you of the old man; You could tell simply by looking at him that he held experience, power, and knowledge way past your years. It gave you a sense of awe. You decided to answer simply and truthfully.

-"I need to protect someone... Someone that's precious to me."

He laughed, truly enjoying your answer.

-"Don't we all." He answered back knowingly, as if he himself was looking back on events that saddened him greatly.


You walked out of Whitebeard's room. He had ushered you outside to meet the crew and to get situated into your new room, telling you he would join along soon.

However, as soon as you walked out, you realized you had forgotten to ask the most important question: Where were you supposed to be going? You looked around the area in confusion as you walked through the corridor that seemed to lead nowhere.

You were completely lost.

You sighed, stopping your walk to try and relocate yourself but coming to the conclusion that it was futile. You crouched on the ground, taking a moment to breath and to take in all the events that had happened today. You looked down at your frilly dress, finding it funny that you had worn it just this morning. It felt like a week ago.

Just then a pair of footsteps could be heard heading your way. Before you could react, the person had already reached your side and stopped in front of you. A tall man with brown pompadour hair and a black goatee, accompanied by a scar underneath his left eye. You knew who this was.

-"It's the girl everyone has been talking about!" Thatch stated excitedly, looking down at you as you continued to crouch.

-"What are you doing down there?" he asked. You opened your mouth to answer, but quickly closed it back. What were you doing? You blushed as an awkward silence ensued.

-"Are you lost? I heard from Ace that you are joining the crew." He continued, smoothly filling the silence and grinning as if he found the whole situation funny. You stood up and fixed your dress along with your hair in order to look presentable.

-"That's a nice outfit." he complimented, noticing the care you were giving to the clothing. You smiled and thanked him. It was nice to have a conversation with a person so normally and without worry.

But quickly as it came, your smile dropped as you remember who you were speaking to and what awaited him in the future. Now rather than a human, it felt as if you were talking to a ghost. The thought made you turn cold. The small sight of happiness you saw in front of you dropped to pieces as you looked at the man, who in your eyes was already dead.

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