Chapter 47: Travel Companion(s)

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- "But, Ace. What are you doing in this country?"

Luffy turned to ask Ace. Standing next to his friends crouching in the corner of the ship each holding a pint of beer in their hands, Luffy faced his brother sitting on a barrel a meter back.

Their ship moving through the sea.

- "Huh? You mean you didn't get the message I sent to Drum?"

- "Drum?"

Ace chuckled a little at the blank expression on his little brother's face.

- "Yeah. It's no big deal or anything, though. I'm just in these waters on a minor business."

- "Minor Business?"

- "I'm a member of the Whitebeard pirates now." Ace spoke up, throwing the cup of beer in his hands to Luffy.

- "Eh? Whitebeard pirates?" He wasn't the only one to ask the question, his crew donning a face of recognition at the mention of the pirate crew. Ace turned around facing his back to them, his tattoo in full view, Sav next to him. He pointed at it with his thumb, turning to the side to face his brother with a proud smile. Trying to catch him up with the lost time and memories.

- "This is the mark of the Whitebeard Pirates. It's my pride."

- "Oh." Luffy answered back, drinking from the cup Ace had thrown at him.

- "Luffy." Ace turned back to face him "Won't you join the Whitebeard pirates? Your friends can come too, of course."

- "No." The answer was instantaneous, not even letting the air settle after the question, his crew's answers following after without any pause. This caused Ace to laugh, holding his hat as he moved his head back. The girl next to him smiled, not going unnoticed by Luffy. He observed her until Ace spoke up again.

- "I figured not. Just thought I'd ask." Ace fixed his hat, gathering it in front of his face. His open teeth still visible. "Whitebeard is the greatest pirate I know. I wanna help him to be the king of the pirates..." Ace smirked with mischief as he added. "And not you, Luffy."

This time there was a silence, Ace's words hangin low as Luffy let it assimilate... With a huge grin on his face. Zoro stared at Ace with a slant at his eye.

- "That's fine! Then we just have to fight!"

Ace smirked.

And before Sav could even say "Ace-" everyone was laughing, including Ace. With a full on roar. If the ship wasn't already shaking from the waves of the sea, their laughter would make up for it, causing the boat to rock in the sheer force of their merry sound.

Sav seemed to be the only one confused, staring at the people around her with open perplexity.


- "Woohoo!"

- "Ace and Sav are one of us now!"

- "Cheers!"

Cups rode up towards the sky, smashing into each other and spilling their drinks on the floor in the process as Ussop, Chopper and Luffy celebrated.

- "Who said I was joining you?" Ace answered, putting his foot down as he crouched from the barrel he was sitting at.

- "Sav is one of us now!" They shouted back, ignoring his words. Ace scowled, answering with a "No way."

- "Here's to delicious drinks!"

- "Cheers!" Their shouts continued, as though Ace's words were falling on deaf ears.

Ace gaped. Staring at the three with a stupefied face. His beer frozen in hand mid-drink.

Sav who had been silent for most of the interaction laughed, trying to hold in her cackles.

Ace turned to her with a scowl. Nami spoke up with a laugh.

- "Don't worry about it!" Ace paused, allowing her to continue. Sav thanked Nami in her mind. "They're always looking for an excuse to drink!"

Ace looked at them, his scowl returning to his face. This caused Sav to break out into laughter once again. As thought they were trying to prove a point they cheered once more:


- "Woohoo!"

- "But you said you were here on Minor business. Where exactly are you going?" Nami spoke up again. This caused the cheers to quiet down, as the pirates were actually interested in hearing their guests story.

- "I'm- .. We're chasing a certain man. His name's Blackbeard." Ace took a sip of his drink.

Princess Vivi, who had been sitting elegantly near the stairs with a drink in her hands, spoke up with a gasp. "He is the pirate who attacked the Drum kingdom!"

- "He used to be a member of the 2nd division of the Whitebeard pirates, one of my men." He raised his foot, resting it on his makeshift chair. "But he committed the worst possible sin on a pirate ship: he killed a crewmember and jumped ship." He scowled. "So, as the commander, I gotta find and get rid of him."

- "So that's why you are chasing after him?" Usopp spoke up, now interested more in the conversation than the act of cheering.

- "I came here because I caught word that Blackbeard was seen in Yuba."

Nami paused at that, staring at the two in surprise.

- "Then your destination is the same as ours!"

Vivi pulled out a map, heading towards them to show their plan of action.

- "We've just entered the Sandora River. First, we'll land at Erumalu, then head into the interior to reach Yuba here!"

- "I see, so you are headed to Yuba next." Ace spoke up, glancing at the map underneath him and then turning to look at Sav. Sav nodded.

- "I'll follow the beautiful ladies Nami and Vivi wherever they go! And now Sav is also here!" Sanji sang, dancing with excitement.

- "Get lost, Love cook." Zoro spoke up, not sparing a single glance as he told off Sanji.

- "Say what, you–?!"

- "Anyways! It looks like we can travel together for a short while!" Nami exclaimed, cutting off the fight.

- "Yeah yeah! His brother and his friend are more than welcome here!" Usopp added with a high chuckle.

Luffy joined along, laughing as he raised his cup to the sky.

- "Let's have a fun time, Ace!" He exclaimed as everyone followed suit, raising their cups to his side. Ace laughed, pulling Sav along to the group.



Hello! Sorry for not updating I keep falling sick these 2 months! ahahahha


THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH FOR 100K!!! SERIOUSLY THANK YOU SO MUCH! WHEN I SAW IT I WAS OVER THE MOON. I am surprised people are reading and  enjoying my story. 

I wanted to thank you guys earlier but I didn't want to publish a post without a chapter.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you keep enjoying my chapters. 


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