Chapter 45: A Play on Words

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It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single person in possession of a great power, must be in want of a cool entrance and a cool pre-fight speech.

Unfortunately for you the contents of this specific fight was one you had heard multiple times in a series of events called your life. And the most memorable part was none other than the one being spoken right now;

- "Move." Smoker spoke up.

- "I'm afraid that's a no-can-do" Ace answered back. The first time you heard these words they seemed cool, but now you had grown tired of hearing these sentences that had always played out the same.

Hence, for a second it all felt inconsequential.

- "Ace, I'll leave this up to you." You spoke up, cutting their willful speech short. Before he could answer, you had already turned to walk away.

The streets of Alabasta were the same as always. The eye-catching clothes that were once unique and joy enticing seemed distant. The people who had once given you wonder were passing hues on a botched canvas. A beautiful woman carrying a vase on her head walked past you, giving you the creeps.

You had seen all these events before. Heard these words before. Played this game before.

Moving towards the hill near the harbour, you didn't look to see if Ace heard. Didn't turn when the ground shook from their altercation, didn't stop. This game would play itself out with or without you there. .

Briefly, it all didn't matter.

Luffy would get lost, Ace would finish the fight, the ship would move, Luffy would enter, Ace would follow, they would talk, Ace would meet the marines, he'd talk with the crew blah blah blah blah blah.

And then, he would die.

Then you'd come back here. To this spot. Hear these same lines. See the same moves. Gaze at the same eyes that held no recognition. And they would see yours too. Eyes that did not look at them but at their future. Not at their identity but at their "character".

Character 1.

Character 2.

Main Character

Side Character




Soon Dead

Not dead yet

But who cared.

They wouldn't notice anyway.

You could meet up with them when Ace finished off the Marines at the sea.

Maybe if you didn't hear all of their conversations now, the next time it would seem new. You'd be more interested then.

Once you reached a clearing, you paused. It had a view of the sea. You could even see the Strawhat crew's ship. You sprawled down on the ground, leaning against a tree. Then you took a deep breath and let it out. Your chest lightened, letting go of the strain on your muscles you hadn't observed. Meeting them again, in the place you had met Ace for the first time... Was weirdly disturbing.

Their ship started to move. And after a while you could see Luffy jumping towards the ship, his arms stretching forward in delight. Hitting Sanji straight in the chest as he jumped in, taking him down with him as they both toppled over on the ship's floor. And now it was time for Ace's entrance. You waited.

Awaiting his entrance with a waning interest...

And waited.

But he didn't appear.

You waited a bit more. But instead of him, the marine ships became visible across the horizon. You raised your brows and slowly stood up. Moving towards the edge, trying to view the events more clearly, and you waited again. But he didn't show. Instead you could see Luffy's crew start to fight against the multiple Marine ships by themselves.

You opened your mouth, though you did not speak. This had never happened before. Not in the "show", not in your last life. Where was he?

- "Impossible." You spoke to yourself.

In wonder. As if you had discovered magic itself.

You had done nothing. What could have changed the events of this rigid story?

- "I think they'll be just fine." A voice spoke up, causing you to whirl around.

- "Why are you here?"

- "I should be asking you the same question. " Ace smiled pleasantly.

- "I was waiting for you to pack things up."

- "Oh?" He replied simply.

- "How did you find me?" You asked. The fight happening in front of you already half forgotten.

- "Was I looking for you?" Ace spoke up. His gaze did not turn towards you. Seeming to ask the question to himself rather than you.

- "Have I been here before? This place seems..." He continued. Not finishing his sentence, preferring to look around the area, looking for answers in between the bushes and the trees.

You turned to face him. With confusion. What was going on here? Why was he here? The ache in your chest returned to its place as if it had never left.

- "I have been here before... I am not so sure about you..."

It was Ace's turn to face you. His expression enquired more. But you didn't continue.

- "...Is it a sad memory?" He asked. Taken aback for a second, you weren't so sure of the answer yourself.

- "No....But.." Your voice fizzled out, getting consumed with laughter as you recalled the memory. "Someone did choke me as a threat here" You said in between laughs, stopping once your eyes locked his. Leaving you in an awkward silence between the calm greenery of the mountain. Amongst the wildlife his eyes unexpectedly seemed the wildest to you.

- "Who?" He finally spoke, searching your features, his gaze landing on your throat. "When-"

Before he could finish an explosion echoed throughout the landscape. Bigger than the ones before, cutting in between your conversation and causing your knees to buckle under the pressure.

You turned to look at the sea. Noticing the chaos happening between Luffy's crew and the Marines, mostly hearing the disorganised screams of the Strawhats.

- "I think they need your help." You finally said to Ace. At the silence you turned to him, wondering why he hadn't replied. He seemed to have been looking at you.

- "We'll continue this conversation." He eventually said, speedily moving across the terrain and jumping down the cliff. You leaned down to gaze where he had fallen, noticing his sail situated at the bottom of the mountain

Suddenly fire emerged across the area as he sailed towards the marine ships. And the play continued onto its next chapter.

As if a disturbance hadn't occurred at all.


.... Hello000000 How are you!? I'M BACK FROM THE DEAD! 

I was reaaaaallly busy this year... So I didn't have time to even dream about continuing my story. I'm really sorry about that guys. I'll try to get back into the process of writing chapters. But I am probably really rusty from not writing for a while. 


I hope I see the faces I'm used to seeing here. 

It has been a long time... 


Ps. The first sentence is a parody of Pride and Prejudice's opening line. IF YOU HAVEN'T READ IT. STOP WHATEVER YOU ARE DOING AND READ IT RIGHT NOW. IT IS ICONIC.

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