Chapter 19: Phone Call from Ace

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You blinked rapidly as you made eye contact with Shanks. Your mind going blank as your face heated up from embarrassment. So he had known you were there the whole time.. Damn his observational Haki. You stepped out of the shadows of the tree, facing the men that had already located you the moment Shanks had spoken. I bet a lot more already knew I was there... Before you could speak up to the men that were now facing you, Shanks' voice rippled through the cave.

-"And what might you be doing here all the way out in the Grand Line. The new rookie has come to pay me a visit?" Your face morphed into utter confusion at his words. How did he know who you were? You stared at him not knowing what to say and curious to know how exactly he knew you when he spoke up as if he could make out the confusion on your face.

-"Come on don't be so humble. Everyone has heard of you now that you have ripped old man Garp's ship apart." He spoke as he reached for something in his cloak, your instinct was to get into a defensive position but you decided to trust him as he pulled out a parchman of what seemed to be a wanted poster. Your mouth fell open as you saw the content of the paper.


The Saver


375,000,000 Belli

You almost fell from shock. What had that old man done?! Was he trying to get you killed? When you told him not to embarrass you, you didn't mean this!  This changed everything! From now on you would need to be much more careful; People would be hunting for you. You scowled at the thought. Thank god you had hidden your tremor powers. Extra attention was never good and you having similar powers to Whitebeard definitely would bring about scrutiny. Ripping you apart from your thought Shanks spoke up again:

-"So what exactly have you come for a visit? To say hello perhaps?" As he talked Shanks stood up raising his sword in the process. His moves immediately changed the atmosphere, it was as if he had not drank at all. His aura smooth, overriding his follicking state from moments ago. No one else moved, everyone knew he alone could beat anyone in this cave. You laughed and raised your hands. Even if you kill me I will come back.

-"You misunderstand. I am a friend of Luffy, I just wanted to talk. I have no death wish." You eyed him trying to predict his next move.

-"Ehhhh?! You're Luffy's friend? Why didn't you say so? Great, I'm glad to meet you!" Shanks laughed, letting the grip on his sword go as his atmosphere completely turned friendly. He beckoned you closer as he talked. "Come, tell me about yourself!" Your body felt hot against the cold snow hitting you with force. The blizzard had started. 


-"Let's have a banquet!" Shank's shouted at his crew who had already started taking out the booze and playing music. More than a cave the atmosphere felt like a makeshift home.

-"How much do you guys actually drink?" you shouted through the music. And you thought Ace was extra. People laughed as they ushered you over to the bonfire, sitting you down, handing you booze singing all around.

-"Luffy sure does know lots of people, long ago his brother came over to visit me. Ace that kid sure was energetic. Like his brother of course!" Shanks laughed as he sat comfortably next to the campfire set by his crew. You straightened your back and raised your chin.

-"Actually that's what I came to talk to you about." Shanks smiled.

-"Oh? What is it?" Even in this atmosphere he felt authoritative.

| The Saver |  Portgas D Ace x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя