Chapter 6: The old man

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-"The Saver?" You were confused by his question. The more he talked the more baffled you became. "What is that?"

-"Your question should be "who" is that rather than what. The saver is a person. A person that is between the realms of death and life. The saver only comes to be when a person's death is linked to anothers. Like when someone is thinking of the death of another while dying... Their life forces become one and their future and present jumble up. In that moment the saver is born to create what is known as the saviour cycle. Not many people know of this though. I can even say that the only people that know this have been in the cycle themselves or have other means of learning such knowledge" He smiled.

His words seemed like they were straight out of a fairy tale. Between life and death and a cycle. Why was he telling you these things? What did it have with you and why was it all so familiar to you? He continued:

-"Of course such cycle usually takes place in the same dimension. I had to pull some strings for it to work between different dimensions." He chuckled.

You didn't quite get the situation in it's clarity but from this conversation you could sense that he had something to do with this place you had ended up in. You narrowed your eyes. "So who is this saver?"

-"I think you know. I am in fact looking right at her." You froze. You both stared at each other in silence for some time. Only the noise of the wind playing in your ear. As if the world could feel your emotions made up of anxiety and fear the sky had started to darken and the fire was starting to give out. He continued.

- "Your death was connected to his the moment you got hit by that car. You thought about him, you cried for him seconds before dying yourself. You are not dead yet. As I said you are between the realms of life and death and your future is now connected to his. You are now in between a vicious cycle. There is no exit or beginning only now and then. Unless you put a finish to it by completing your duty this will only end in death or it won't end at all."

-"What does this savor do? What is their task?" You were stunned. Maybe both of you were crazy. Two crazy people having a crazy conversation in the middle of a forest covered in snow and darkness. You hugged the cloak closer to your body.

-"You are supposed to do what the name implies. Save the person that will end this cycle. For you specifically you need to save Ace. You are not dead nor alive but the moment he dies you will die as well and until you save him you will relive everything starting from this point. Just like how you can be back here after dying in the hands of those weak pirates" He sounded berating  

-"But he already died! I saw him die on the- I saw him die on the phone!"

-"That has yet to happen. Your duty is to stop that from happening."

-"That's impossible. How can I do that? Are you crazy?" You raised your voice as if you were trying to drown out the situation with your voice alone. As if you could stop any of this from happening by shouting out your inabilities.

-"His death hurt many people and left trauma on those who survived. I thought you would be very happy to be given this opportunity. Knowing that you died thinking of him-"

-"Of course I care for him! I care deeply! He saved me from myself, from my life. I owe him a lot even though I thought -no- I believed he wasn't real. But- but how can I, how can I save him?! Whitebeard, his crew, LUFFY couldn't save him! How can I- " tears had formed in your eyes at this point. You were shaking. Disheveled and frozen over from shock.

-"You differ from all of them not by strength but by knowledge. You know the events, the information and the reality much better than them. You are the 3rd perspective that this war needs. And the powers given to you by the cycle will also come in handy so make use of it." Powers? You had powers? What was this sailor moon? You had perspective he said..Would perspective be enough to save him..To save Ace.

-"What powers are you talking about exactly?"

-"Just don't forget the staff. That's your first rule. Never forget, leave or let your staff be stolen from you." He threw you a long staff that curved over at the end to form a crown like placement adorned with a red stone. The staff was made of quality wood likes of which you had never seen before. The wood was dark and was far from smooth. Holding the cravitations in it's skin like a proud old man the staff laid comfortably against your hand. It's stone shined like a jewel in the night and sparkled as if a liquid inside was moving in the stone. He continued to talk while you investigated the long stick in your hand.

-"Make sure the stone doesn't break. Trust me you wouldn't want that to happen. I will create a path for you to walk on. It will lead you to a tavern far away from those pirates you came face to face with before. This will be the first and last time I help you. Playing with the route of the cycle is not in my right nor within my power. That's a duty you must fulfill not I. I only came this far for that old man. He will do anything for his children that fool. He may be strong but he is definitely an idiot."

-"Who is the old man you are talking about and how do you know about the pirates that attacked me?"

-"I know many things and also am blind to many other knowledges available. I know just the amount I would need." He chuckles and continued on.

-"The old man's not for you to know. Yet...Or maybe never. Anyways this conversation went long enough. Travel fast, it's getting dark after all and also don't leave that cloak."

-"Wait-" He didn't wait for you to finish your sentence as he raised his hand. Simultaneously some of the snow on the ground evaporated as if it had touched lava to form what you hoped was a path to safety. The sudden change of the snow to gas created an eerie atmosphere. It became hard to see as the wind picked up and surrounded you with mist. But before the old man vanished in between the fog he had created you could make out one thing. There was a tattoo of a skull on his upper arm. You could not see much detail but in that moment you finally understood. He was a pirate.

-"Shees, people in this place sure love mystery and drama." You sighted to yourself as you glanced at the path ahead of you.

You sighted again. Cursing the long pathway; you began walking towards civilization while making a mental note of your next destination. Drum Island.


Hi guys! Hope you enjoyed. I keep writing even though I am not sure if people like it....But things are finally starting to pick up their pace. Two people are headed to the same destination hopefully they will meet.

See you in the next chapter!

| The Saver |  Portgas D Ace x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now