Chapter 15: New Beginning

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It had been a day since Ace left.

The old man had left you alone in your room for the majority of the time, only coming by to drop off some stuff such as food. You were currently in a mental dilemma, trying to decide what to do and how to fix the situation. Your body was busted from the pieces of the inn that had almost crushed you, you couldn't move and most importantly you didn't even know where Ace was. He hadn't shown you the folder which held Blackbeard's location, and you didn't even know which route Ace was taking to reach that location.

It had taken Ace months to find Blackbeard's location, and he took the only information with him, leaving you without any clues. Did I hurt him?  You felt a pang of pain in your heart at the thought. Will he trust me?

8 months he had said... 8 months for him to reach Blackbeard. 8 months to find Ace. You ruffled your hair in irritation just as the old man entered the room. Silence ensued as you stared each other down, your hair all over the place.

-"You already look like a wreck. You don't need to do anything further than that."

-"Thanks for the encouragement. It was totally in my plan to turn into a beauty like Nami."

-"Nami?" he asked, unable to make sense of your words. You sighed.

-"Nevermind...Why are you here old man?" you asked.

-"Old man huh.. Times sure have changed." he laughed dryly. You noticed the thing he was carrying in his hand, your staff.

-"What are you going to do from now on?" he asked.

-"Why was it me? Why is the Saver me?" you didn't bother to answer his question. Both of you knew you didn't have an answer to that.

-"Why shouldn't it be you? You have come far."

-"I'm weak, so weak. Ace is strong and he..he died."

-"Then get stronger. No- I will help you get stronger" you looked up at him, confused.

-"Doesn't a pirate like you have anything else to do? I know you are strong. I saw it with my own eyes. You must be a pirate of a very strong crew. Who is your captain? Why did he ask you to help me come to this universe?"

-"So you noticed I'm a pirate. You are sharp. That means you can find the answer to those questions on your own as well. That's exactly why you are the Saver." He looked at you smiling for the first time since you met. You felt warm, throughout your journey you had formed a bond with this old man. Enough to trust him to some degree.

-"I thought you wouldn't interfere with the cycle?"

-"I'm not interfering with your actions or your journey. I'm only giving you the strength you need to continue it." He responded. "At the beginning I wouldn't have done this either, but you deserve it."

-"So? You in or what?" he smirked as he threw you your staff. You caught it with ease and smiled.

-"I'm in old man. Show me what you got."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5 month time-skip~~~~~~~~~~~

It had been 5 months since you had entered your apprenticeship under the old man. He was a man covered in mystery, he would be gone only to come back in a few days with a new study regime and new information. You couldn't decipher him even through the time you had spent together but you had formed an immense bond. He was harsh but understanding, pushing appropriate limits for you to get better, stronger.

And the first day you had accepted his apprenticeship you had vowed to become a pirate. You were not scared and you had a plan.

You also remembered one essential piece of information. When Ace was sent off to find Blackbeard, Shanks had told Whitebeard to stop him. Shanks knew information about Blackbeard Whitebeard hadn't and had known of Ace's whereabouts as well.

You would need to meet Shanks, even join his crew. That was the only way you could find Ace. And you were excited to say the least as this was the day you would part ways with your old men. You had 3 months to meet Shanks and to find Ace.

-"Couldn't you have found a better boat.." you complained as you looked at the small sailboat the old man was giving you.

-"Don't complain. I don't see you doing any better and it will be fitting for your water powers as it is easier to maneuver." He replied roughly. You smiled and turned to hug the old man.

-"Yeah, we are not doing that. Get on the boat." His voice was firm, but a small smile was apparent on his face. The old man disappeared before you could say anything, as shouting came closer to where you were located.

-"Stay where you are Saver! You are not leaving this Island!" You saw marines running towards you. It had almost become a daily ritual for them to try and capture you. So it has gotten out that I am leaving the Island..You smiled as you jumped on the small boat.

-"Catch me if you can, you idiots!" You shouted laughing at their futile attempts. You raised your staff, immediately the sea water started pushing your boat into the depthness of the water, as if the water was a rocket moving you along the adventurous sea. The marines that were now at the dock had gotten completely wet by the sudden activation of your power.

You laughed as you looked ahead at the wind which flung your hair across the air. Wait for me Ace. This is only the beginning.


You will meet new people in the next chapter I will give you that. This chapter has the vibes of the start of Luffy's adventure. Where ho got on the small boat. Remember? Anyways. Hope you enjoy! See you in the next chapter.

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