Chapter 19 - Merciless Shdow.

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3rd Person POV


Darkness slowly crept through the destroyed streets of Canterlot. Green flames and smoke slowly consumed the city, breaking down homes that once belonged to innocents. At least half of the buildings were turned into rubble and dust. The ponies who survived, looked for other survivors in the ruins, as long as the corrupted God was not around. If he was; they only prayed to not be murdered.

Luna and Stello both silently followed the God, regretting their actions and wishing their world was back to normal. Luna even had tears in her eyes, as she watched her home city crumble. Neither of the two alicorns even dared to speak to Darkness, fearing the same fate that met the Canterlot ponies.

Suddenly Darkness stopped walking and stood himself in place for a moment. He silently faced into the distance. Luna and Stello stopped too, wondering why the God decided to pause his destructive introduction as the new Lord of the world.

Slowly, the corrupted God turned to face his two servant alicorns. He was much taller than them, looking down at them like worthless peasants.

"I know of your doubts." He hissed softly. "You may question your loyalty to me in vain. Nothing you do now will stop me." Darkness announced coldly.

Stello and Luna both took a fearful step back. They shivered, wondering how Darkness knew of their doubtful and regretful thoughts.

"My Lord... I swore to serve you and that will not change." Stello informed, bowing his head low for the God.

Luna looked at Stello, but didn't do the same. She didn't feel like a servant, and she wasn't going to bow for anypony. Especially somepony who did Starswirl knows what to her sister and brought mass destruction and murder upon her hometown.

"You question your loyalty more, Luna." Darkness hissed softly.

Luna frowned and looked up at the God. "H- How do you know?" She questioned shakily.

"I was able to read minds as a shadow, but skilled unicorns or alicorns always had the power to resist me. Now, with most of my former powers, no pony shall best me!" Darkness stomped his hoof. Black swirling smoke trailed off them, giving the impression that he was walking on a shadow.

"Most...?" Luna repeated curiously.

Darkness sighed and effortlessly blew up another building into rubble as though it was some random shooting target. It was a bakery that used to sell the best and most unique cakes in all of Equestria, and seeing it destroyed too caused Luna to wince quietly.

"It seems as though Celestias' body was not quite as divine as it was claimed to be. I feel... Limited" Darkness admitted. He looked up into the black sky and cast a spell. It caused all the clouds that shrouded the moon to vanish, and the sky itself turned red. This made the earth below lighten up with a faint red hue, like a sunset, but twice as strong in color.

Lunas' ears flattened, whereas Stello somewhat enjoyed the new look of the world. It was scary at first, but he was slowly getting used to the role of a God's servant. Stello also realised that as long as he stayed loyal to Darkness, he'd remain protected which was all he cared for.

"It is time we pay Saber a visit." Darkness announced softly, without giving time to Luna or Stello time to respond. The God's dark magic swirled around them, and Canterlot reshaped into a hallway.

It was much brighter than the dark and smokey streets of Canterlot. The carpet beneath their hooves was soft and red, whilst large tapestries with intricate patterns hanged off the crystal walls.

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