Chapter 29 - Final Blast.

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I stood weakly on the snow. The world around me revolved. I felt sick from fear and tiredness. My heart trembled and ached while my legs shivered. I felt my strength fading with every step backwards I was forced to take. Powerful blasts of dark magic cast by Sombra broke each shield I cast and staggered my balance. I begged and pleaded my possessed husband for mercy, but he gave no sign that he even heard my words. His horn continued to relentlessly produce powerful blasts of dark magic and sent them zapping through the air towards me.

Darkness levitated in the air above us. He enjoyed watching my strength fade and patiently waited for my death. His evil grin and white sharp fangs were enough to tell me that he was satisfied with the way I was going to be murdered. He couldn't wait to sit the throne in Canterlot again and warp the world to his liking. I was the only thing that stood in his way, and I almost felt like giving up.

"Sombra, STOP!" I cried hoarsely as I deflected one of his blasts. My legs staggered and I fell onto my flank. I watched Sombras horn light up again as he prepared yet another spell.

"Please..." I begged as tears poured down my face. Sombra didn't react. His spell grew stronger and he looked equally determined to eliminate me as before.

I had to do something. This couldn't have gone on forever. I was weaker with each blast he sent my way. He didn't respond to my words at all, and fighting him would have been foolish. I had to think of another way. Something else. Maybe a way to cut Darkness's connection with him, or perhaps remind him of who he truly was.

I used my horn to cast a bubble shield around myself. My legs gave up and I was using the last bit of strength in my horn to defend myself. It gave me a few seconds to think. To improvise. To plan. I recalled Twilight once using a memory spell, however I had no idea how to do it. It wasn't something Moondancer and I ever covered.

Another powerful blast of dark magic cast by Sombra was sent my way. The bubble shield around me shattered and I felt a gust of air against my face. It somehow stung and caused pain at which I winced. Sombra instantly started preparing yet another spell, and I feared I wouldn't have been able to protect myself against it. I had to do something. Anything.

I had no idea what I was doing. I just acted. My horn glowed with magic, but I did not cast any shield. Instead, I teleported towards Sombra. It all happened within a split second, so he didn't even have time to react. I appeared in front of him with a flash of turquoise light and tackled the Stallion to the ground. I fell on top of him an he grunted. I pressed the tip of my horn against his and started to cast magic. It was a new spell and I wasn't sure what it would even do, but it did something.

His magic failed as my horn came into contact with his horn. In fact, he struggled entirely. I was certain he would roll away, push me over, or simply throw me off of him, but he didn't. My spell seemed to have put some kind of restraint on him, and after a moment I felt my vision slip away. The world around me whirred and turned dark. The crimson sky faded and the snow melted into a solid white floor. The horizon was pitch black, and it was just like the place in which Darkness attempted to mind control me. The only difference was that Sombra was there too, and I couldn't see any signs of Darkness.

Sombra seemed to have woken up from his trance, he looked surprised and afraid. He crawled out from underneath me and looked around, darting his head in every direction as though expecting somepony to suddenly attack. He then looked at me with a very shocked and suspicious look, as though he assumed I was some kind of ghost. I wondered who's mind were we in, and whether we were safe back in Equestria. I had to hurry, before Darkness would have realised I had attempted to free Sombra.

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