Chapter 27 - Unexpected Turns.

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Sombra POV

Canterlot Castle Throne Room

Icy wind howled ferociously outside the semi-destroyed throne room. Inside of it, were a corrupted God, Luna, Sombra and a small innocent family. Sombra was tasked to murder those innocent Equestrians, in order to prove his loyalty to Darkness. The grey alicorn despised his test because it meant once again hurting innocent ponies, which was something he used to do many years back. He and his wife spent countless tiring and painful days reforming him into a good King, and all of it would have been wasted if he killed this family there and then.

"Dispose of them." Darkness hissed determinedly as he circled around Sombra and the terrified family.

They were all pegasi, and they shivered as they held each other tight, counting their final seconds together. The mother looked at Sombra and pleaded him for mercy, but Sombra didn't reply. In fact, he didn't do anything at all which caused Darkness to grow impatient. Luna shivered uncomfortably at the side of the room, and the young colt started to cry.

Sombras horn finally started to emit dark magic. It glowed and bubbled with the corrupted source of energy, causing his eye whites to turn green and they started to emit streaks of purple mist. The family of innocent Equestrians looked away from it, wincing in fear as they cuddled each other tightly. They were certain he chose to kill them, and they would all soon see each other in heaven.

While Sombra was preparing a spell on his horn, he glanced at Luna and then at the Dark Lord. His heart raced and his forehead trickled with sweat. This single moment would have decided if he once again would have become a murderer, or possibly even not.

In the matter of a split second, Sombra used his signature dark magic move. His body started turning into a cloud of black smoke, with merely a pair of green creepy eyes glowing within. He was unable to be harmed in that form, and the only way to get to him was through his mind, which he had attempted to protect from the corrupted God.

The cloud of black smoky shadow that was once his physical body started to fly towards the innocent family. He hovered over them, and the black smoke started to consume the Equestrians.

It all happened within a matter of a second. Darkness quickly realised that the shadow spell was unable to kill, so he figured Sombra wasn't going to kill the family. The corrupted God attempted to mind control the Sombra back into submission but he hit a solid wall of nothingness as he attempted to dive into Sombras mind. It was a wall Sombra had built and put up, clearly expecting Darkness to attempt going into his mind.

"You fool!" Darkness suddenly roared as he shot a powerful blast of dark magic towards the large cloud of smoke in the middle. It flew right through Sombras shadowy body as well as through where the innocent family was ought to be. The spell nearly killed Luna who was on the other side, as she teleported herself away from the impact the spell caused. Rubble flew everywhere and the room shook.

Suddenly the large cloud of smoke vanished, leaving the heavily damage throne room quiet again. Sombra and the family were both gone. Darkness breathed heavily in anger, and Luna checked out a few bruises she received from rocks she was unable to avoid in time.

"Stay here and do not move or I will torture you until you die." Darkness muttered angrily. He closed his eyes and his horn glowed with dark magic. He silently traced where Sombra had teleported himself and the family, and within a split second he went after them. This left Luna behind, unattended and all by herself for the first time since she swore herself to the corrupted God.

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