Chapter 18 - Ray of Hope.

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The dense and wild forest around me seemed dark and twisted. I looked fearfully at the thorned branches and dark mysterious shadows. There seemed to have been strange noises coming from all around us, as though there were weird beasts lurking in the shadows.

"Uh, where even are we?" I wondered, shivering a little as I watched Sombra walk in circles around me.

He stared at the floor, frowning and thinking about everything that happened. "The Everfree forest." He mumbled idly.

I gasped and looked around once more, finding the scary forest even more scary. "But- Th- There are Timber Wolves!" I squealed.

Sombra paused his walking and looked around for a moment. "Well they are not here, yet. Even if they do come, they stand no chance against me [YN], you may relax." He pointed out.

I nodded and looked towards the dark sky that was visible through a small gap in the tree canopy. "Ponyville." I mumbled suddenly, thinking how close my old hometown was to this forest.

"What?" Sombra questioned.

"Ponyville!" I repeated, sounding suddenly hopeful. "Twilight! Tha mane six! The elements! They all live in Ponyville, we stand a chance." I exclaimed, standing myself up and looking around to find the exit of the dark forest.

"Maybe that would work..." Sombra agreed, and suddenly grabbed my hoof. With a flash of crimson light, I watched the forest vanish and get replaced with Ponyville in a split second.

"She will be in the Golden Oak Library!" I exclaimed, galloping off into the distance.

Sombra followed me, as we galloped through the small town. We passed many confused ponies, who were staring at the sky and wondering why it was still dark.

We arrived at the Library a moment later, and I instantly noticed it was dark inside. The door was slightly open, and there seemed to have been nopony inside.

"Uh, shes probably with the others now, trying to figure out whats going on..." I suggested, starting to feel anxious about not finding Twilight where she should be.

"Perhaps Apple Jack will know?" Sombra wondered, and he too, sounded worried.

I looked at the stallion for a moment and sighed. "Yeah, hopefully." I mumbled, and started to gallop towards Sweet Apple Acres.

Sombra and I arrived there moments later, only to find Apple Bloom crying in the hooves of an afraid Big Mac, and Granny Smith sitting down with her ears flattened. I gasped and walked up to them, with Sombra following me close behind.

"Where is Apple Jack? What happened here?" I wondered, looking around to see if AJ was anywhere nearby.

All three ponies looked at me suddenly with horror. "[YN]?! You're alive?!" They exclaimed in unison.

My mouth dropped open as I forgot that I was dead before, and it was probably a shock for them to see me. I shrugged and looked at the three ponies impatiently. "Well, yes, but that doesn't matter now. We come here in emergency, we need Apple Jack. Where is she?" I demanded.

"Oh that was horrible. Downri'te awful!" Granny Smith suddenly exclaimed.

I put my hoof to my mouth and looked at Big Mac worriedly. "I've never seen him before..." Big Mac started, hushing Apple Blooms cries to make himself easier to be heard. "A mysterious stallion approached our farm, said he was looking for Apple Jack. My poor sister went to him believing he was a traveller seeking help, but then... He showed his wings and his horn! It glowed with this mysterious awful magic! An alicorn of pure evil he was! That was the last time I've seen my dear sister..." Big Mac explained, bursting into a round of tears himself.

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