Chapter 4 - A Princes Abscondment.

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As usual, in the early morning Sombra woke up and hastily readied himself for another busy and royal day. Only this time, he looked forward to it. All because of the honest conversation he had with his son last night.

Today felt like the day Sombra would finally be able to have fun with his son. The King thought of many activities they could do, like playing hoofball, shooting targets with magic, or even flying and playing tag around the castle. Sombra smiled to himself in the mirror. He felt happy finally, because for like the first time in over a year he had something to look forward to.

A sudden knock on the door disrupted Sombra's positive thoughts. He looked curiously at the dark wooden door, wondering who would need him so early on in the day. The King cautiously walked up to it, turned the door knob, and pulled the door open.

In front of the King, stood one of his patrol guards. The brown stallion looked nervous, and maybe even a little afraid. Sombra frowned and questioned him about it.

"What happened?" Sombra asked coldly. He raised his eyebrow in a skeptical way.

The guard looked at the King for a moment, clearly trying to find the right words to say. He eventually spoke, slowly and with a slight stutter.

"Y- your majesty. I uh, patrolled the c- corridor and came across th- this..." The guard muttered, holding up a piece of parchment in his hoof.

Sombra eyed the letter skeptically for a moment, wondering what on earth could be so scary on a piece of paper. He lifted it using his magic, and then started to read it.

Hey, dad.

I don't want you to worry about me, I will be safe. I'm leaving for some time, and I don't know how long will I be away, but i promise I will be safe. Some pony will be looking out for me.

I cannot tell you why or where I need to go, not yet. I will return eventually though. Hope to see you soon dad!


Sombra read the letter like ten times before actually understanding what anything there meant. His son fled!

The Kings heart started to drum nervously as he looked at the guard. This must've been some kind of joke!

"Where did you find this?!" Sombra demanded. The guard flinched from fear.

"Uh, it was in the k- kitchen, on the table..." He muttered.

Sombra suddenly zoomed past the guard furiously. He sped towards the kitchen, not really knowing what he expected to find there. He simply refused to believe anything that was written on the parchment.

Arriving at empty the kitchen, the King abruptly came to a halt. He looked around frantically, trying to find any answer. He quickly noticed the quill laying on the table that must've been used to write on the parchment. It was the quill that Sombra left in the kitchen a day before, when he was busy catching up with royal work.

"No no no no nooo..." Sombra nervously whispered to himself. He shook his head, trying to figure out why any of this happened. He literally just started getting along with his son the day before, why would he leave?

Feeling very stressed out, the King quickly made his way to Saber's bedroom. If this was some kind of cruel joke, then he surely must've still been in his bed.

The door swung open rapidly as Sombra barged into the foals bedroom. The bed was made up and there was no sign of the foal anywhere. The King looked around, noticing that Saber's bag and blanket were gone.

Sombra began to panic. He helplessly sat his flank on the floor and gasped for air. His forehead was drenched with cold sweat, and his insides swirled like the nervous thoughts that filled his head.

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