Chapter 24 - My Chance To Be Hero.

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Your POV

Zecoras Hut

It took about two days for Sombra to return back to health. Zecoras hut smelled ever so heavily from unusual herbs and mysterious aromas that she has used in order to help the grey alicorn. His nose wrinkled and wiggled as he woke up to the strong smell. His eyes slowly opened and he groaned in discomfort.

"My back, ouch..." Sombra mumbled, as he sat himself up and rubbed his spine.

I tilted my head and looked at him happily. "Its nice to have you back." I said, as I approached the bed and sat besides him.

Sombra smiled and gently nuzzled my neck. "Mmmm. I am happy that you are okay." He mumbled.

I giggled and wrapped my hooves around his neck for a hug. "Of course Im okay, youre the one that needed babysitting."

Sombra pulled away and frowned. He seemed to have been blushing. "Babysitting." He repeated in a disgusted way. "I was simply tired. Catching up with sleep." He muttered defensively.

I rubbed Sombras shoulder in comfort. "You were dehydrated, weak, sleep deprieved, and insanely stubborn." I pointed out.

Sombra rolled his eyes and mumbled something that sounded a lot like 'same thing'. He then looked around the hut for a moment before returning his gaze on me. "Where is Zecora?" He wondered.

"She went out to get some more herbs." I replied casually.

"And the crystal heart?" Sombra questioned. I pointed my hoof towards a chest placed besides a shelf full of potions and trinkets. Sombra nodded and sighed. "I am glad the heart is safe too. I am sorry I could not help you look for it..." He apologised.

I tilted my head slightly and nudged the alicorn. "Hey, it's okay. You had a tough battle, and I don't mean just the physical toughness..." I admitted.

Sombra exhaled and looked down at the bedsheets. He looked troubled, and I knew what was bothering him. "He was my only brother..." He muttered.

"I'm sorry..." I said, wishing I wasn't the one who had to ultinately kill Stello. I still vividly remembered what happened. How much fury soared through my body when I saw him. How the sword pierced him inside out through his mouth. How much thick fresh blood poured out of him when I pulled the blade away, slicing his head open.

"It is not your fault darling." Sombra comforted, gently rubbing my back with his hoof. "You did what you had to." He added.

I nodded slowly and sighed. I knew Sombra would do anything to make me feel not guilty about it, but I did. I never killed anypony before. It made me wonder if it would change anything when it came to the crystal heart. Would it see that I was a murderer?

"[YN]." Sombra said, as he caressed my [HC] mane. "I said stop being mopey about it. I can see it bothers you, and it should not. I still love you with all my heart and I forgive you. Please, just let it go, you did it for the greater good..." He comforted, and pulled me into his lap.

I put my face into his warm neck and nuzzled his grey fur. "Thank you Sombra..." I mumbled.

"There there." He replied softly as he rocked me in a comforting way.

I looked over at the crystal heart and then at him again. "What do we do next?" I wondered.

Sombra smirked and looked at me. "You are so determined, I love it." He chuckled. I smiled and rolled my eyes. "But regarding the crystal heart, I have an idea what we could do with it... It would be our only chance..." He said, his tone darker than before.

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