Chapter 17 - Rising Darkness.

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It was the middle of the night, when Luna stood in her dark room, feeling trapped and afraid. Stello and the Dark Lord were there with her, impatiently waiting for Luna's decision.

"Tell me, where do your loyalties lie, Princess?" The Dark Lord hissed impatiently. His shadowy body rested against the wall above her desk. Luna narrowed her eyes at the corrupted God, showing her dislike towards him.

"Anywhere but with you." Luna finally snapped in reply. "Surely you will have me murder Celestia, and though I still crave power, I love her more. You are powerless, and you will fail."

The Dark Lord remained silent for a moment, calmly taking in Lunas harsh words. They were true to an extent, but there was something she didn't know.

"Not this time, Luna. I will succeed." He replied softly, but with certainty.

Luna scoffed in reply. "You already have failed. No power in this world is able to give you the one thing you truly desire. Leeching off of innocent ponies does not give you a body of your own, therefore you are, and always will be nothing but a parasite."

The Dark Lord ignored Luna's harsh words and replied calmly ."I will not have you kill your sister." He suddenly announced, enjoying Luna's surprised reaction.

"What? She would never join your side, and as long as she's alive, she is a threat to you." Luna argued.

"Not exactly. I will not have you, or anypony else kill her. I promise. I just ask for your unquestionable loyalty one more time. I want an answer now." The Dark Lord finished off impatiently.

Luna's ears flattened as she took a silent moment to think about it. She debated all the current facts. Sombra losing all that he had, the Crystal Empire overthrown, the Six Elements taken care of, whatever that meant, and even Stello who joined the Dark Lords forces. Luna realised at this point it was only she and Celestia against everything. There were slim chances of success, and she needed a plan to get out of this mess.

He did promise me that Celestia will not be killed... Luna thought to herself. She saw this as an opportunity to make Celestia aware of the current situation and give them time to put together a plan.

"Okay. I will join you, but Celestia must not die." The moon princess finally announced. Stello who simply watched from the side, gave Luna an approving nod, and the Dark Lord simply chuckled victoriously.

"Good girl." He then replied. He was satisfied and pleased with how easily he got Luna to once again be his puppet. He now had three alicorns under his control, and an easy way to get rid of the other two. It was all going according to his plan. "Have you the flask, Stello?" The shadowy figure wondered.

Stello suddenly pulled out a flask from under his wing and held it up. "Yes."

"Good. Come, both of you. We are going to pay the sun princess a visit."

Luna's jaw dropped open for a moment and her heart raced. "What?" She breathed. "That is some kind of artefact, what does it do?" Luna questioned nervously, as she started to follow Dark Lord and Stello out of the room.

"It is the key to my success." Dark Lord replied.

"Wait, but what are you going to do with it?" Luna demanded.

The Dark Lord suddenly stopped and turned towards Luna. "I give you your first two tasks Luna... First, stop asking so many questions. Secondly, you are to use an immobilising spell on your sister as soon as we get there. Stello will do the rest." He demanded, sounding somewhat frustrated with Luna.

The Princess shook her head and stepped back. "You said you wouldn't hurt her..." She reminded.

"And this promise stays true. Now shut up and do as I say, or regret breaking your promise." Dark Lord snapped back.

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