Chapter 1 - Drifting Apart.

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[CC] - Coat Color
[HC] - Mane/Hair Color.
[EC] - Eye Color.


Another glum day started as Saber lazily opened his flaming red eyes. They were just like his fathers, whom he did not get along with well. His forehead felt sweaty and his [CC] coat was messier than usual, which meant that he must've had a bad dream again. The same bad dream that occurred to him about once every week, ever since he saw his dead mother in the arms of his weeping father.

Saber quickly cleared his mind from the nightmare by leaving his bed to go get his desired shower. He soon realised though, that the sun was barely rising, which meant he woke up very early. Unsatisfied with that, Saber groaned and started the shower, allowing the water to warm up first.

The thirteen year old prince took his time in the bathroom. The warm water was pleasant as it softly caressed his coat and relaxed his muscles. His mind was casually wondering about what kind of breakfast he desired, ultimately deciding that he'd simply be satisfied with toast.

About twenty minutes later, the foal left his room and casually ventured toward the kitchen. His hooves softly tapped on the red soft carpet that filled most of the corridors. One corridor in particular felt very special to him, as it contained a certain painting. It was a portrait recently painted by an Equestrian artist, which contained his mother in it.

Sombra requested for it to be painted after her death, in order to honor the one who gave him a second chance, and the one whom he loved most dearly. Saber pasued his venture for a moment to once again look at the portrait. In it, his mother wore a red cape, silver sandals and a jeweled crown which he was once told that it was a gift from Sombra, when he proposed. She looked happy, which was something Saber wished he could really see once more.

Saber felt a great pain in his heart. It wasn't a physical pain, but a pain of guilt and sadness which overwhelmed him every time his mother was on his mind. He often partially blamed himself for her death, because he knew that she was in trouble, yet he left her with that murderer. Had he only made one choice differently, just one, and she would have probably be still been alive.

"I miss you, mom." He softly admitted, keeping his red eyes fixed on his mother's [EC] ones. Sometimes Saber wished he could just pull her out of the portrait and make her alive once more. As far as he knew, no such magic existed for this to be possible though.

Saber exhaled softly, and then turned and continued his way to the kitchen. His stomach was growling at him, demanding breakfast like a hungry beast. He arrived there a minute later, to find two ponies in there. His father was sat comfortably on the chair, quietly reading some old book as he sipped coffee, and a recently hired maid was there too.

Saber didn't say anything as he entered, and he sat himself on a chair furthest away from his father. Sombra looked up and smiled gently at the foal.

"Hello son. You are up early, is everything okay?" Sombra wondered, hinting his concern in his voice.

Ever since his wife died, Sombra tried really hard to comfort his son and be there for him. It was very difficult though, as Saber displayed no interested in fixing the relationship between them.

"I'm fine." Saber replied bluntly, and then turned to the maid. "Sherie, I'd like some toast." 

Sherie nodded happily and proceeded to make the request. Sombra frowned gently as he looked at Saber.

"Saber. Where are your manners?" Sombra asked calmly.

Saber continued to avoid eye contact with his father, and simply shrugged in response.

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