Chapter 8 - Innocence Lost Pt. 2

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Up in the far cold North, Sombra visited Targe to check up on his captain. The two stallions talked about how their day went and what they remembered about yesterday. Sombra was surprised to hear that Targe remembered even less than him, but they both were okay so there was nothing to worry about.

Sombra eventually left Targes' home and returned to his castle, realising that Sherie should be on shift now. He peacefully made his way to the kitchen, but to his surprise, a nervous Caramel Pud was there instead. Sombra looked at her curiously.

"Where is Sherie? Why are you here?" He questioned calmly, but with a firm tone.

Caramel sighed and shrugged. "I don't know, your Majesty. Sherie has not arrived yet, and I didn't want to leave the kitchen unattended..."  She explained.

"She has not...?" Sombra repeated, wondering why that was.

He looked at Caramel for a moment, trying to figure out if Sherie missing her shift had anything to do with the night before, but he simply didn't remember enough to tell.

"Go home Caramel. I will find Sherie." Sombra ordered coldly, and left.

He made his way to a room adjacent to his office. It was small and only contained crystal filing cabinets that towered all the way to the tall ceiling. They contained all the information that had to be stored, from land permits all the way to birth certificates. He rarely visited that room, and the info was usually updated once every week by his counselor.

Looking around, Sombra found the cabinet that contained files about all the maids that worked at the castle. He looked through the total of twelve files, finding Sherie's information amongst the others. He opened it, and looked at the address under which Sherie lived.

He neatly returned the file to its rightful place and then closed the cabinet, remembering the newly learnt location. He decided he was going to pay Sherie a visit himself, and see why she didn't show up to work today.


About thirty minutes later, the King arrived at a street which was filled with rows of identically shaped houses, one of which was Sheries home. Sombra walked past all of them, eventually stopping at a small house made of turquoise crystal.

He gazed at the gnome and flamingo statues scattered sparsely in the front garden, and then calmly walked past all of them, going to the door. He looked at the pink doormat that read: Why follow dreams when you can reach your goals?

Sombra frowned as he read it, thinking it was rather ambitious considering how sweet and innocent Sherie always seemed. He brought his hoof up, and knocked three times on the door.

Moments later, the door slowly pulled open revealing Sherie inside. Her ears flattened and she backed away a step when she saw the King. Sombra frowned and used his magic to gently push the door all the way open and confront her calmly.

"May I know why you are here and not at the castle...?" He asked coldly, raising his eyebrow.

Sherie stared at the King for a moment without replying anything. Sombra tried to read her expressions, she looked blank and a little confused, and maybe slightly afraid.

Sherie wondered whether Sombra had remembered anything from the previous night, but it seemed as though he didn't.

" I just didn't feel well..." Sherie lied suddenly.

Sombra trusted Sherie and took the lie, sighing and gently smiling at the mare. "I suppose that's understandable. I hope Targe and I have not given you a too difficult time yesterday, I honestly cannot remember what happened..." Sombra admitted, confirming Sheries suspicions.

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