Chapter 20 - My Empire Pt. 1

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3rd Person POV

Crystal Empire

The huge crystal room was warm and brightly lit with many candles. A faint tapping noise came from one end, and echoed around the whole room. The source of it was Saber who sat lazily in the throne, resting his head on his hoof. He huffed and sighed from boredom, watching his uncle Stello read a few books in the corner.

"Being a King is supposed to be way more exciting!" Saber complained. He had a whiney tone, that irritated Stello as he tried to focus on a book he found whilst searching Sombras bedroom.

"Stop moaning." Stello snapped. "You got what you asked for. In fact you should feel lucky you were announced King, because I half expected the Dark Lord to get rid of you once he was done returning to power." Stello admitted.

"What?!" Saber exclaimed, sitting himself up on the throne and giving Stello's back a piercing glare. The uncle was turned away from the colt and he had no idea it even happened. "I didnt actually get what I wanted... I wanted my mom here, but she is gone. I also wanted to challange my dad, but hes gone too! I wanted to be loved and respected by my subjects, indtead of hated and feared..." Saber admitted, his voice trailing off into a disappointed mutter.

Stello sighed and slowly closed the book. He knew the colt had unrealistic excpectations, and he slowly turned himself around to face the colt. "Look, your mother chose to go after Sombra instead of you, cant blame her for that, considering what she woke up to... Your father clearly still cares for you, and he doesnt want to hurt you so you can forget about a fight. Your subjects will always fear you now, because they fear your alliance with the Dark Lord." Stello explained, hoping to clarify a few things for the colt.

Saber hummed softly for a moment, considering a few things in his head as he thought vigorously about what Stello said. His frown slowly turned into a soft mischievous smile, and he tapped the elbow rest twice when he finally finished thinking.

"Youre a genius, uncle!" Saber exlaimed, sounding suddenly excited.

Stello sceptically raised his eyebrow, and gave Saber a questioning look, hoping for an explanation. "And that is because...?" Stello questioned, motioning his hoof for Saber to continue talking.

"Since my mom doesnt want to come here, I will find her and bring her back myself. Since she is probably with my dad, I might aswell challenge him while im at it!" Saber squeaked excitedly.

Stello brought his hoof up to his head, regretting saying anything. He sighed and looked at Saber with a serious look. "Not going to work. You have the entire Crystal Kingdom to take care of, so making trips to look for your parents is a poor idea." Stello rolled his eyes, glancing at the book and wishing he'd just go back to reading it.

"Thats what I have you for!" Saber exclaimed, catching Stello off guard.

"What?!" Stello exclaimed, almost choking on his own saliva. "No no no, the Dark Lord gave you the Kingdom, I can't possibly..." He paused, thinking about how it would feel to be King. Finally after many many years he'd get the one thing he always envied Sombra for.

"Come on uncle Stello!" Saber begged, tapping his hooves impatiently on the throne seat.

Stello sighed and dropped his head, exhaling deeply in hopes to relax. "Alright... I will take over your duties for now, but if anything goes wrong, you're to blame." He announced. He then lifted his flank off the floor and started wandering around the throne room, hoping to feel better if he got the chance to be King for once.

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