Chapter 26 - A Quick Mastery.

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3rd Person POV

Canterlot Castle Throne Room.

Sombra stood firmly in the middle of the large Hall. It was dark and cold inside, causing him to shiver and his skin crawled with goosebumps. The windows that once displayed beautiful stained glass images, were knocked out and shattered to shards. The white marble pillars were cracked and chipped, with dark magic vines surrounding them like snakes. Wind howled softly through the holes where windows used to be, and they ruffled the tattered blinds that were magically turned black in color.

Sombra grunted as he attempted to move his hoof. It was stuck firmly to the floor with dark magic, like the rest of his legs. He was trapped there, and his horn had dull sharp crystals poking out of it that prevented him from using magic. Every time he attempted to cast any spell, be it in normal magic or dark magic, he would end up failing and experiencing an excruciating pain in his head. It was Darknesses cruel way of torturing the alicorn for attempting to escape.

He was starved and sleep deprived. Cold and weak. Darkness kept him in the half destroyed throne room for days, without any food or water supply. Sleeping wasn't much use either, as he had a vine wrapped around his neck firmly like a snare, keeping his head from coming down to the ground. Any attempt in sleep would end up in with him suffocating.

"I sense you weakening..." Darkness hissed calmly as he silently crept into the room. Sombra looked up and scowled at the corrupted God with hatred.

"I will die sooner than give you any information." Sombra snapped. He grunted and gasped for breath as the vine around his neck tightened.

Darkness controlled the vine with his magic, and enjoyed watching the gray stallion suffer. "Oh I will take the information, even if it means killing you in the process." He muttered evilly, squinting at Sombra with despise and determination.

Sombra frowned and looked at Luna who stood at the door to the throne room. She waited there calmly each time Darkness tortured Sombra. She rarely said anything or even moved, and Sombra figured she had been forced to obey Darkness in one cruel way or another.

The corrupted God used his dark magic again. A beam of it hit Sombra, and once again he forced himself down Sombras thoughts and memories. Multiple times he watched the same scenes; fight with Stello, retrieving the crystal heart, going to Zecora. He however wasn't able to hear those memories, or see anything after them. The information he was supplied with was vague, but there was enough of it that told him there was a threat rising against him.

Sombra grunted sharply in pain and Darkness left his mind, once again unsuccessful. It left Sombras legs shaking and his forehead sweating. He was tortured by it, forced to feel excruciating pain in the center of his mind as the God of darkness explored his memories by force.

"Since you are resisting my access to your memories, I will find somepony who will be too weak to do it. I think it is time to pay your Zebra friend a visit..." Darkness hissed viciously.

Sombras heart raced. He didn't want Darkness going to Zecora. He knew this would surely end up with her being dead. "No, leave her alone!" Sombra roared trying to break free from his trap but to no avail.

Darkness chuckled darkly, fixing his eyes on the stallion. "Then tell me what I need to know to stop whatever it is you were planning!" He demanded, grabbing Sombras head with his magic and forcing him to intimidating eye contact.

Sombra panted angrily, frowning with disgust as his crimson eyes met Darknesses vicious green ones. "I know you take your deals seriously. So let us make one." Sombra grunted, as he improvised determinedly. He knew the corrupted God always kept his deals, but was also awfully good at finding loopholes in them.

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