Chapter 28 - A Battle In The Dark.

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The throne room was dark, cold and mostly destroyed. Tattered curtains blew in the wind which entered through the broken glass windows. Rubble, dust and shards lay scattered all over the large room. I stepped over the large rocks and walked up to one of the windows. The glass was missing and part of the wall was blown away most likely by Darkness.

I set my gaze upon the horizon. The dark crimson sky looked down at me fiercely and it sent dark shadows all over Equestria and beyond. Goosebumps crawled over the my skin. "Take us to Twilight, Luna." I suddenly ordered.

"Yes. She is in the castle of the Two Sisters." Luna informed. I felt her normal magic suddenly coat us all, and the world started to whirl and warp. Seconds later we appeared in front of the ancient castle. It was mostly in ruins from the outside, but many corridors deeper within were still surprisingly intact.

Cadence, Shining Armor and I all followed Luna into the castle. She took the lead, taking us further into the creepy stone corridors. I glanced at Cadence, warning her to be careful with a silent but serious look. I wasn't sure if Luna could have been trusted yet, as she could have easily been taking us right to Darkness.

The corridors were leaking from the rain and snow. Fuzzy cobwebs inhabited almost every corner there was, and dust gathered in a thick layer on almost every object or thing we passed. Water dripped from cracks in the ancient walls and created cold puddles in which we passed our own reflections.

A few dark corridors later, Luna stared taking us to a particular room. It was large and it must have been used for some large gatherings back when the castle was in its former glory. At the end of the room i noticed a dome, clearly created by dark magic. Inside it, were the six ponies I have been hoping to see, all alive and well.

I knew they would be shocked and question me as to why I'm alive and an alicorn, so I stayed behind and allowed Cadence and Shining Armor to first greet the elements. I stayed behind with Luna out of sight, whilst they greeted eachother warmly. Twilight's hooves were pressed against the magic dome as she wished she couldve hugged her brother and sister-in-law.

"You need to free us, we need to stop that Dark Lord and Luna!" Twilight whined after she was finished greeting her family.

Cadence and Shining looked at eachother. "There is something you're not yet of aware, and we need to figure out how to do it..." Shining informed, taking a step back as he considered blasting the dome.

Luna and I finally looked at eachother and then decided to step in. We revealed ourselves from the shadows, instantly receiving six shocked gasps in return.

"Luna?! [YN]?!" They all gasped at the same time. They eyed Luna with anger and me with horror. Their eyes darted between Luna and my horn. I smiled softly and nodded.

"I know it may be a shock for you girls but listen to me, we ne-"

"Are you a zombie?!" Pinkie exclaimed as she interrupted me.

I rolled my eyes and looked at Shining. He blushed as this accusation sounded familiar to him. "No." I replied. "I have been revived... Long story but its irrelevant. We need to get you all out of here."

"But Luna is a traitor!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. I frowned as those words sounded rather familiar from many years back, especially coming from her.

"She is, but I believe she is trying to change now." I argued.

"But you're an alicorn!" Rarity pointed out, followed by gasps of awe from the other girls.

I flicked my [CC] mane and nodded. "That is also a long story we will cover another time..." I mumbled and blushed. Twilight looked very excited.

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