Chapter 10 - A Small World It Is.

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Keeping his word, King Sombra met up with his faithful captain Targe, at the foot of the castle in the morning. The day was partly cloudy, and there was a cold winter nip in the air.

King Sombra stared coldly into the distant mountains that were piled with snow. He was thinking about his son and his wife whom which he missed dearly. Beside him, stood Targe who nervously tapped his hoof on the crystal floor.

"My King..." Targe started softly. His voice was a little bit shakey.

Sombra wondered what Targe was getting so worried about, but he didn't show the interest. "What is it?" Sombra responded idly.

"Dan and his unit have not returned. I know you said you would want to search for them yourself, but I don't want to take over your duties... I do not feel ready to hold such responsibility." Targe admitted, taking a step back away from the King in shame.

Sombra slowly turned his head towards Targe. This was the last thing he wanted to hear from his captain, because finding Saber was very important for Sombra. Being able to leave the Empire meant a lot to him, and he needed Targe to take over in order to do it.

"You can Targe. Do not underestimate yourself." Sombra responded, ignoring Targe's concern. His tone was cold and confident.

Targe shook his head. "No, my King. I don't think you understand. It's not that I can't, I just... don't want to." He explained.

Sombra slightly frowned and looked away from his captain. "Do not disappoint me like that, Targe." He spoke softly, but there was a certain bitterness in his tone.

Targe let his ears flatten and he bowed his head. "I'm sorry..." He said, starting to feel afraid that he just lost his Kings fondness of him.

Sombra looked into the distance for a bit, avoiding any eye contact with Targe. He felt angry, but he tried to contain his emotions and remain as calm as possible.

"Why? Why did you suddenly change your mind? Just yesterday night you have claimed that this was an honor to you, and now...?" Sombra questioned, once again looking at Targe.

The alicorns flaming red eyes were now fixed on Targe's bright orange ones. It made the captain feel guilty, and he wished he was braver and more selfless.

"My King. I just fear I will lead this Empire into chaos without you here. I also don't want to leave my daughter like that, doing so many jobs will take me away from her." He admitted, letting his voice trail off at the end as he thought about his daughter.

Sombra shot Targe a disgusted look. "At least you know where your daughter is." He venomously spat, and then turned and walked into the castle, leaving Targe outside.

The captain hesitated for a moment, but decided to follow his King. Amongst the things he mentioned, he was also afraid that something was going to happen to Sombra, and if that would've been the case, then the Empire would've been left with no leader whatsoever. Their Queen has already been murdered, and their prince vanished. Despite knowing that Sombra was powerful, Targe didn't want him to leave, because his subconsciousness told him that this was going to end badly.

"King Sombra. Please understand that I do not want you to leave the Empire. We are all safer with you here!" Targe pleaded, as he followed the King desperately.

Sombra kept a steady pace and didn't even look back until he arrived to his office. He stopped by the door and looked at the captain gravely.

"Targe. I am disappointed. You are not letting me search for my son and you are not doing anything about five of your soldiers missing. I thought you were better than that." Sombra muttered angrily.

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