Chapter 30 - A New Happiness.

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With a flash of turquoise light, we appeared in the Crystal Empire. It was a cold and dark night, with a few clouds here and there. I first looked towards the pitch black sky. It twinkled with stars like millions of tiny jewels. I sighed and cherished it for a moment, since it was a nice change from the constant crimson sky that Darkness's dark magic did. 

Sombra started leading Saber back towards the castle. I followed them, all of us walking in silence. The only sound that followed us was the delicate tapping of our hooves on the crystal floor. I wondered how the citizens would have reacted to the news of our victory, and whether they would forgive Saber for what he did. I believed they would. They had forgiven Sombra before, and this situation wasn't too different.

I saw the ponies wander curiously near the castle. They seemed to have questioned the absence of Saber, or anypony in charge for that matter. They also looked towards the Sky that was no longer crimson. I saw both hope and concern in their faces. It put a faint smile on my face, and I could tell that Sombra was pleased about it too.

Soon enough the residents realised who was approaching the castle. They formed a large semi-circle and we stopped in the centre of it. Their expressions of eager curiosity made me feel somewhat excited. I smiled at them, but they eyed Saber and my horn with concern. Sombra put his wing over Saber and nodded to me, giving me the honour of bearing the news. 

I exhaled softly and stepped forward. I kept my head high and spread my wings before talking to them. "Ponies. With pleasure I announce to you all that the Lord of Darkness is no more." I spoke softly. Gasps erupted within the crowd, and soon most of them stomped their hooves and cheered. The ones that didn't, made it painfully obvious that they weren't happy about Sabers return. Saber looked extremely guilty, and he looked down at the floor to avoid looking at any of them.

When the ponies cheers quietened down, they looked curious once more. I decided to continue talking, in a calm but also definitive tone. "We are aware that many of you have been hurt and even lost beloved ones during those weeks of that monsters reign. You all have our most sincere condolences. However now we need to all focus on the future. It is now time for a brighter tomorrow. A new day, free of darkness and suffering." I finished, giving them all time to take in my words. They started holding and hugging each other. Many of them had tears in their eyes, and I smiled softly knowing they were happy. I then looked at Saber and Sombra. 

Sombra nodded and stepped forward as well. He cleared his throat and started to talk calmly towards the crowd. "As my beautiful [YN] here has stated, this world is now free. Darkness will not be a threat to us, ever again. It took a lot to achieve this. The battle was not easy. Just like our enemy was extremely powerful too... With that said, I ask you all to forgive my son for his mistakes. He has been ultimately manipulated and controlled into doing what he did." Sombra paused, and then looked at Saber. "In fact, he can speak for himself." He added, lightly pushing Saber forward with his wing. Saber looked nervous and he looked like he was about to cry. I wanted to hold him and comfort him, but I knew he had to face the consequences of his actions, so I remained still.

Saber fidgeted and nervously scrubbed his hoof on the crystal floor. All the ponies around looked somewhat unhappy with Sombras plea for forgiveness, but I could tell they were willing to try at least. "I am so sorry. To everypony." Saber suddenly spoke. His voice was shakey and sincere. "It all started because I could not get over losing my mom. The Dark Lord offered me magic able to bring her back, and I took it greedily without considering the consequences. I will not ask any of you for forgiveness, because what I have done cannot be forgiven, but I do ask for a second chance. I promise from this day on to be better. I have learned from those horrible mistakes, and I hope to be able to make up for them in the future, hopefully." He finished and gulped. I could tell he was trying hard to withhold tears in.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2021 ⏰

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