Chapter 5 - First insights.

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The flight turned out to be extremely exhausting for Saber. He spent at least two hours flying over miles of forests and plains before the Dark Lord allowed him to any Kind of rest.

The sun was hidden behind a thick layer of grey clouds, and the wind grew unsteady. Cold autumn gushes caused Saber's legs to go numb, and the colt shivered as he landed on the earth below him. He was in an area rich in boulders and sparse in trees.

"At this rate it will take us months to reach the Soul Flask." The shadow snapped bitterly.

Saber's ears flattened. He really tried his hardest, but he just wasn't used to such physical exertion. Saber started to wish he was as strong as his father.

"I'm sorry." Saber mumbled, as he threw his jacket on. The shadow watched the colt carefully, rethinking some of his plans.

Saber noticed that the God was preoccupied with some thoughts, so he decided not to interrupt it. He looked around curiously. There were a few pine trees scattered around, and a piles of large mossy boulders that rested against eachother.

The colt decided to test his magic to the fullest. He wasn't in a castle made of crystal, so there was no need to be careful. He aimed his horn at a medium sized pine tree, and started to prepare a blast spell at it.

The Dark Lord quickly noticed that, and put his thoughts aside to watch the pony. It was a good time to see the young alicorn's abilities for himself.

Saber fired the blast spell when he was ready. It was nothing compared to some of the spells he has seen his father perform before, but it still knocked the pine tree onto the floor. The colt smiled to himself proudly, and approached the tree to examine the damage.

Splinters stood out of the trunk in all directions, and a large part of it was still intact. Luckily it wasn't enough to keep the pine tree standing. Saber wondered if he could try pull the pine tree off so he could use it to make a fire, but it was extremely heavy. His levitation spell failed as it wasn't strong enough to pull the pine tree off.

Exhausted with using so much magic, the colt pulled out his blanket from the bag and laid it on the floor. He looked at the Dark Lord, who seemed to have been silently staring at the colt. It made him feel uncomfortable.

"What are we going to do now?" Saber asked, breaking the silence as he made himself comfortable on the blanket.

The shadow didn't respond instantly. He slowly slithered around the rocks, giving himself a moment to answer properly.

"You will not have to fly anymore today." The God said coldly. "But instead I expect you to start your lesson on dark magic in an hour, after you rest."

Saber's heart pounded in his chest. Learning dark magic was so close now. He felt both excited and afraid of what would happen. All that power and might was about to be his.

"Do you think I'm ready?" Saber wondered.

The Dark Lord looked at the colt curiously. He knew that the Saber was still young and weak which could easily end up killing him. The Lord also started to wonder about all those skilled unicorn adults that he introduced to dark magic during his years on Earth. Many of them were too weak to wield dark magic, and ended up dead.

The shadow had no idea if Saber was ready or not, but it didn't matter to him. If Saber died he would just go find another foolish pony to manipulate, and hopefully eventually one of them would be strong enough to help him regain his power.

"I think you are ready, Saber." The Dark Lord lied coldly.

The colt didn't even think about questioning the Lord's words, and simply nodded. "Alright. I will try my best." He said.

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