Paula's vows

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My dearest prince

if there were words enough to tell you how much I love you. Then I would have to write four novels to explain all my love for you
But let me keep it short.
When I first met you I never thought this all is happening.
I thought two dates and then you disappear again but two would always be more and that makes me the happiest woman today.
Even if our life is not always easy, you are the one who brings me down to earth again.
I love it when we can sit together on the beach at night and talk about anything in the world.
Sometimes you just make me happy with a smile from you.
You are just not my husband you are my best friend.This year was not one of the best, but you have managed to make it better
It started with a huge loss which I had not survived if you had not been on my side every day.
You made it that we both survive that we stand here today in front of our friends and families and say yes.
You're the man I've always wanted, I'm so thankful for everything, I can not wait to spend the rest of my life with you.
I Love you.

Always you X

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