Chapter 9

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Today is Friday today is my appointment at the gynecologist without Tom it's a bit hard for me cause he always is with me,
but he is still in Vancouver for his movie, but he's coming back home Tomorrow (Saturday) .
But actually I'm not alone My bestie is with me (Mika),
She is so excited cause today she sees the baby for the first time.
It is now 10:22 a.m and Paula and Mika made an appointment on the way to the gynecologist, 
Mika and Paula reached the practice,
they went in and sat in the waiting room. 
As always, Paula was very excited,
like every one of her appointments at the gynecologist.

The doctor comes into the waiting room to call me "Mrs.duvet please "
Paula and Mika get up and followed the doctor into the
treatment room.
The doctor said to Paula,
"sit down on the chair and clear your stomach, "
Mika called Tom via Facetime during that time. 


Tom:"  Hi how are you mika?"
Mika:" I'm good how about you Tom?"
Tom:"I'm good where is Paula? "
Mika:" she is already sitting on the chair, the doctor is preparing for the examination"
Tom:" uh okay show me Paula please, "

Mika turned the camera towards to Paula so that Tom could see her.

Tom:" Hi my beautiful darling how are you?
How is our baby inside u?" 
Paula:" good i guess  we'll see in a moment."

Doctor:" don't me scared could be a bit cold now!"
Paula:" Alright "

The doctor started the examination and less than 2 minutes later the baby could be seen on the monitor,
Mika looked very fascinated at the monitor like tom did though the phone,

Tom:" See Paula how huge he / she has become"
Doctor :" She "
Paula:" she? We're getting a babygirl? "
tom shut up and whispered softly
"oh my god we're gonna have a girl"

Doctor:" exactly congrats"

Mika was of course completely fascinated and amazed.  The doctor finished the examination and gave Paula a couple of cloths to wipe off the gel.

The doctor said
"we'll see each other in 4 weeks, if anything else, you can come back at any time."
"Paula:" all right, thank you "

Mika and Paula left the treatment room and went out of the practice,
Tom was still on the phone and talked to Paula for a while until they reached the car.

Paula:"Okay bye babe see you tomorrow "
Tom:" Bye darling"

                                              HANG UP

Paula and Mika got into the car Paula asked Mika
"Are we going to have another lap with Willow and then I'll take you to the airport?"
Mika replied, "Yes, let's go, my flight is in 4 hours."
Paula drove off and less than 30 minutes later they reached Paula's and Tom's  house.

They both went in to say hello to Willow,
"I'll go upstairs and pack the rest of my suitcase and then we can go on with Willow" Mika said
Paula nodded and walked towards the sofa and sat down.

Mika went up the stairs and around to the right into the bedroom to pack all her things,
10 minutes later she was ready,
she took her suitcase in his hand and went down the stairs
"I'm ready Paula if you want we can go out with Willow now." Said Mika.
Paula:" Alright, Willow come here we're going out come on . "
Willow came running and we went together into the hallway to leash Willow,
then Mika Paula and Willow went out of the house towards the park.

Time skip....

After the walk with Willow,
Paula and Mika drove straight to the airport. 
When she got to the airport she got out briefly to say goodbye to Mika.
She hugged her
"Bye, sweetie, I'll see you at the latest when i try on my  wedding dress", Said Paula .
Mika nodded and went to the entrance of the airport.  Paula sat back in the car and headed back home.

Paula came back home and went up to the bedroom and put on a large sweater from Tom and a black Nike leggings,
then she went to bed with Willow,
but she was lying in front of the bed because she was not allowed to go to bed,
Paula watched a series on Netflix and fell asleep  at 09:56 p.m .

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