Chapter 15

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Mika and Paula went straight up to the bedroom to try on the wedding dress Paula called down the stairs again "Tom won't come into the bedroom for now. We're going to try the dress on love you"
Tom replied
"All right, have fun, I love you too"
Paula closed the door of the bedroom and turned to Mika who already held the wedding dress in her hand or she tried to.

It was very difficult with all the tulle.

Paula put her hand in front of her mouth and screamed and said
"Oh my lord is that real right now? It's beautiful ... can someone pinch me?"
Mika came over to Paula and pinched her arm
"that's definitely real,"
Paula said.
"Try it on,"
Mika said quickly and excitedly.
Paula took off her clothes and hips into the dress, Mika began to pull up the dress and Paula held it tightly at the front of the chest so that Mika could tie the back of the dress.
Paula went over to the mirror to look at herself
"wow you are a beautiful bride"
said Mika, who got a little emotional.

"No please don't start crying " said Paula and went over to Mika to hug her " thank you for this beautiful wedding dress it is so beautiful every single detail thank you I could thank you a thousand times more " Mika replied
" Oh not for that you look so beautiful In this wedding dress, Tom we be so happy if you are running down the aisle. He will definitely break out in tears. What you both have something special."
Mika said and hugged Paula a bit more strong.

Mika helped Paula get out of the wedding dress, the dress fit perfectly.
"What do you think of a little alcohol?"
Mika asked Paula, Paula first looked skeptical but then the face of the friends and said

"good idea Tequila shots, we're coming."

Paula and Mika ran down the stairs on the way to the kitchen To get tequila and lemons
"and Darling does the dress fit?"
Asked Tom Paula,
who just jumped into Tom's arms with a smile and said

"yes it fits perfectly, I love you, Mika and I will now let us run wild just so you know"

Paula kissed tom again passionately before going to Mika in the kitchen

"uhm I love you too, I can hardly wait to see you in your dress."

A couple of hours pass and Paula and Mika have meanwhile changed location and went over to the living room to continue drinking there.
Half the bottle of tequila was already empty,
which you could tell the two of them pretty much.

Tom came back from the walk with Willow and came into the living room and said

"Oh you have to have a lot of fun,well, I'll go to bed now,
I have my last suit fitting tomorrow"

"Good night, babe, see you later."

"Good night Tom " Said mika and pour the next tequila shots.

"To the middle to the breast to the sack Zack Zack"

it went the whole evening until the tequila bottle was empty.
"What do you think of going to sleep Mika? "
Mika replied with a drunken voice
" uh- uhm yes sounds good I'll just stay here on the sofa, I don't move a bit,"
Paula: A- All right, I'll just go up to my boyfriend almost husband. "
Mika : "Good night Soon to be Mrs.Felton "

Paula crawled towards the stairs because she could no longer walk,
she could definitely still do it,
but she was definitely too drunk and too weak.
she crawled up the stairs and into the bedroom,
where she then went to bed with Tom who had laid down in the embryo position.
Paula snuggled up from behind and Tom took her hand and gave her a tender kiss and whispered

"Good night my wife."

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