Chapter 32

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Paula Felton

Two days later.

Today is my last gynecologist appointment here in Los Angeles before moving to London to be honest I am a little excited for London, also a bit sad because I am gonna miss the Good weather the nice people and my best friend.

After I woke up I went into the bathroom to have a quick shower, to be fresh for the appointment.

I let the water Walking down on my back I enjoyed every single drop that ran down my back.

I looked down at my stomach and saw that it had grown a bit bigger, even if I was only nine weeks pregnant it was a bit bigger.

I shampooed my hair with a mint and apple shampoo, Tom loves this smell me too and it is very good for my hair so I use this and only this.

I washed off my shampoo out off my hair and turned off the water,I got out of the shower and grabbed my towel.

I dried my legs first and then my upper body I wrapped the towel around my body and went over to the sink.

I grabbed the body lotion, and put some in my hand I put some on my leg and rub it in and I did the same thing on my other leg, then I also put some on my arms.

I walked out of the bathroom to our almost empty dressing room.

I grabbed a red underwear it is A red thong with a small bow on the front and lots of lace.

I also put on a red bra it is matching with my red thong.

I put on a black basic t-shirt it was pretty tight but it still looks good so it wasn't ugly.

I grabbed a black skinny jeans and pulled up but she didn't fit she was to tight I guess my tummy was in the way I mean I am nine weeks pregnant but I read somewhere that in your second pregnancy your belly grew faster.

So I put the skinny jeans away and put on another on.

I walked imto the bedroom where Tom was still sleeping he is just so cute when he is asleep, I walk over to the bed and sit on the edge of the bed.

I slowly see how Tom's eyes flutter open and he faces me "Good morning Darling did you sleep well?" he ask me with his morning voice God I am dying for this voice.

"Yes pretty well, how about you?" I ask him And sat a little closer to him.

"same here Lovely, Today is your Last appointment here in Los Angeles right?" Tom said.

"Yes it is" he sat up and wanted to get ready as fast as he can because he saw that I was almost ready "Tommy you still have enough time to get ready"

"Oh okay" he laid back on the bed and I Rested My head on his bare chest, it is warm a bit hairy but not to much it is comfortable and I hear his heart beating inside his chest.

"Oh I totally forgot to show you this" I get up and jumped out of bed and take of my t-shirt "Look at this I've already got a little pregnancy tummy"

Tommy sat up and pulled me closer to him, he placed some soft kisses on my little tummy and said "This made my day"

I could see how excited he was to have a family with me and now I finally could say I am excited too.


"Your baby Mrs. Felton Looks all fine and healthy No problems all good" the doctor said and handed me some tissues to wipe the gel of my tummy.

"So the baby is fine?" Tom asks the doctor again, I could see he seems to be a bit scared of something.

"Yes Mr.Felton your baby is fine." the doctor says and turned to his computer.

I closed my pants and rolled up my hoodie again.

The doctor then said "Oh Mrs. Felton before you leave I heard it is the Last time we see us?"

"Yes that is right we move to London" I say wit an exciting voice.

"oh sad for me you were always such a nice person, but I wish You and your husband and soon baby all the best for the future"

My doctor is so cute "Thank you Doctor Singh you are such a good Gynecologist and so nice thank you for everything" he stand up and huged me tight he really is on of the best.

Tom and the doctor shake their hands and then Tom and I left the room.

We leave the Doctors office and head towards to our car.

"I am so happy that our baby is healthy." Tom said, "And I am also happy that we are finally moving."

"Me too Tommy" I leaned in for a kiss with him. " Oh my God I didn't tell my parents about moving and the pregnancy!"

Tom looked at me and said then "alright let's do it when we're home again."

"Alright Tommy, By the way, I have an appointment with Mika on the beach tomorrow evening. We wanted to say goodbye." I say.

"okay I drop you off then" Tom then leaned in for another kiss.

We drove home then.

We got home and went in Tom said "Okay let's call your Mom and dad. "

I grabbed my MacBook and opened it, I go to Skype and pressed the button and started the call.

My parents accepted the call and we all started talking about life and moving.

I totally forgot to talk about the pregnancy, but before we hang up it come back to me.

"Oh mom dad Tom and I must tell you something"

"okay what is it?" my mom said.

It was so hard to say cause even my mom dad and my other siblings were all so sad after I had a Miscarriage.

"Well mom I am pregnant again"
I just tore the plaster off and told them.

"Wow Paula congrats I am so proud of the both of you" I could see the happiness in the eyes of my mom and my dad.
"How far are you lovely?"

"She is 9 weeks" Tom said.

"Wow" my dad said.

We talk for a while and then we hang up the call.

The rest of the day we just chilled and cooked some dinner and had two walks with Willow.

Today's day was so much fun and beautiful
First the appointment all the good news, then the call with my Parents.
And the walks with Willow they we're so enyoing, the weather was good, and spending time with Tom is the best part of the day.

Tom and I went to bed early, tomorrow would be our last day in Los Angeles, and I am so excited to move to London.

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