SMS (Part 2)

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10/29/2020 3:34 PM

You are the meanest woman I know

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You are the meanest woman I know.

Did you just take a Screenshot of my Insta story?

Well yes. Otherwise I couldn't send you this picture right?

You also look really cute on it soo-

Aww thank you, hubby. 💕😘

Where's my little princess?

She's napping in her big girl crib.

What? 🤯😱 Noo! Stop her!

Stop her from what? Napping?

No. From growing up so damn fast.
Next week she'll start walking, then she's graduating and then she's gonna have a boyfriend.

You're overreacting a little bit here, don't you think?

Next time I see her she'll tell me that I'm gonna be a grandpa.

Alright grandpa, calm down.
Don't you have work to do? Healing tiny humans or something?

No. 😒
It's a slow day. I'm chilling in the attendings lounge right now until they need me again. That's why I was scrolling through Instagram.

Slow day and no surgeries? Well your day sucks. 🤷‍♀️

Yeah it does. But yours looks pretty fun. What did you guys do after I left?

Well we all slept for another hour after they had their booby time. I put them in their swings while I cleaned a little bit. We had lunch. They took their nap. Parker had an exploded diaper. Emery had it on her hand and arm, so I bathed them both. Another booby break, now Emy is napping in her crib and Peanut wanted some mommy-snuggle-time.

Can I have my booby time right now?

Of course that's the only answer I get. 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Is that a no? 🤔


Yes as in yes I get a picture?

Oh shut up you pervert.

I'm not a pervert. I'm your husband. And a good wife would send her husband pictures.

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