Emergency Contact (Part 3)

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Three Halloweens later...

After a lot of annoying and begging, the Karevs are finally shopping for Halloween costumes. Their kids have been annoying them since the first of October, when Jo had decided to decorate for Fall. Big mistake! The minute her kids saw the pumpkin decoration and the leaves turning yellow, orange and red on their walks with the dog, they wanted to go costume shopping instantly. They definitely got their excitement for Halloween from Jo, she gave it to them. She loves Halloween. To be honest she loved every holiday when she was dating Alex back then. The one year, after Alex left, she hated the holiday seasons but then she got the twins and she loved it again. And now she loves it even more, because she finally feels like her family is whole.

After Alex meet the twins in the hospital back then, they kept asking Jo to see Mister Alex again. They went on a few trips together; to the park, the museum, the zoo... things that Alex and Jo would have never done if it would have been just them, but with her twins everything changed. After a year of just being friends and Alex doing everything to get Jo's trust back, they finally started dating again; which was much to the twins joy because they love Alex. On their first anniversary back together Alex proposed again, with the help of the twins and of course Jo said yes. And they got married again, third times the charm, right? Alex also legally adopted the twins too and a little over a year ago little Eden was born and made the Karevs complete. Jo loves to finally have a family to enjoy those lovely holiday times with. Alex on the other hand will totally deny it every time someone asks, but silently he does love all those holidays too. He always plays the grumpy dad, that doesn't care, but everyone knows that he secretly loves to dress up on Halloween too and he loves watching the kids opening their presents on Easter, their birthdays or Christmas. You can see this little smile on his lips and the sparkle in his eyes everytime he watches his kids.

So right now the Karevs are finally costume shopping which, to be honest, is pretty urgent because Halloween is tonight. Yes, even though Jo and Alex too, love getting all out, they are also busy surgeons and today was the first day in weeks, that they had time for shopping.

They decided to split up when they walked into the store to speed up the whole process a little bit; so Jo is looking for a costume with Parker and Eden and Alex got Emery.
He really loves his little girl to death but if there's one thing that she can't do then it's deciding. Maybe it's a girl thing or she took that over from Jo too, but Jo and Emery are crappy when it comes to making decisions.
They have been through almost every freaking aisle and she still hasn't found the perfect costume. She doesn't wanna be a Princess nor any kind of animal nor anything from Disney. After showing her, what felt like, every costume that the freaking store has, Alex quit and now just follows her through the store while she looks for something she likes.
With his mind is somewhere completely different he doesn't notice that his daughter stopped and he walks right into her.

"Ow, daddy. I'm standing here." She complaines, rubbing her head.

"I'm sorry, Princess. Did you find something you like?" He askes, hopefull to end this shopping trip very soon.

"This." She points towards a white suite kind of thing. Alex can't quite tell what it should be so he gets it out from the rack and holds it in front of him.

"You wanna be an Avenger?" He askes a little surprise. Normally Emery is the girliest girl he knows. If Jo wouldn't shop for her, everything in her closet would be pink with Disney and Unicorns. So he's quite surprised that she picks Black Widow instead of Elsa. But he's not complaining. If there's one thing he would never forbid his kids than it's anything connected to Marvel. He loves those movies himself so he's excited about his little girl sharing his passion.

"Yes daddy. Black Widow is a bad ass. I like how she kicks butts." Emery explaines excited, showing her daddy her best little 'Black Widow' kick.

"And daddy you could be the Hulk. And when you're angry I can calm you down. Because Black Widow can do that. She takes the Hulks hand and calms him down and than he's doctor Banner again. Did you know that?" She askes, looking at her daddy.

"I did, Emy." He answers his daughter contently.

"Daddy look! I'm gonna be Spider-Man!" His son shouts while running towards his dad and sister, holding the costume in his hands. Followed by Jo and Eden excited bouncing on her mother's hip.

"Look daddy! He's my favorite because my name is Parker too." His son squeals excited as he stops in front of his dad, showing of his costume.

"That's right buddy. As if your mommy knew that he's gonna be your favorite superhero." Alex answers, ruffling his sons hair.

"Mommy I'm gonna be Black Widow." Emery tells her mom, holding her costume proudly towards her mother.

"That's a great costume, Emy. So we're gonna have two Avangers then? Good choice, I love it." Jo answers her daughter with a smile.

"You know what, mommy? Maybe you should be Black Widow. You are better at calming daddy down. I can be Captain Marvel instead." Emery assures, pointing towards the red, blue and yellow costume on the rack .

"She wants me to be the Hulk." Alex explaines his confused looking wife.

"Ahh. That's actually a great idea, Emy. And if daddy doesn't want to be the Hulk, he can grab an old lab coat and just be doctor Benner." Jo suggestes, trying to find a compromise because she knows that Alex would be grumpy and complain about having to paint himself green, all night long.

"Sure. I can be doctor Benner." Alex answers, accepting the compromise. His kids jumping in excitement, even the smallest Karev.

"And what does Eden want to be?" Jo asks the little girl on her hip, kissing her ear to make her giggle.

"She could be Nick Fury. He's also bald like her." Parker suggestes, with a cheeky grin.

"Parker! That wasn't nice." Jo disciplines her son with an disappointed gaze, which makes him immediately apologize.

"I'm sorry." He says quietly.

"Mommy uncle Link could be Thor. We should call uncle Link and ask if they wants to join the Avangers. Please." Emery asks with big brown puppy dog eyes.

"Sure." Jo answers to her daughters joy, handing Eden to Alex, Jo gets her phone out of her purse and calls her friend.

"Uncle Link is in. They are gonna be Thor, Jane and Loki." Jo proclaims after her call with Link. Her kids again jumping up and down in excitement.

"But we are still stuck. What should Eden be?" Alex adds, tickling the fourteen months old belly, which makes her giggle and slamming her arms at der daddy's chest.

"She could be baby Hulk, because if Black Widow and the Hulk had a baby it would be a baby Hulk, right?" Their daughter suggestes, like the little smart ass she is.

"Alright looks like we finally have costumes." Jo announces happyly. "Avengers!-"

"-assemble!" Their kids scream happyly. Running towards the checkout.

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