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"JUST SHUT UP!" Jo's screaming angrily at Alex. She hasn't been this angry at him for quite a while. Her blood is boiling and she's really trying to hold back tears.


"BECAUSE WE HAVEN'T TALKED IN WEEKS! YOU'RE WORKING ALL DAY AND AFTERWARDS YOU'RE HANGING OUT AT JOE'S OR MER'S INSTEAD OF COMING HOME TO YOUR FAMILY. I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE! WE HAVE TWO CHILDREN! WE ARE TRYING FOR A THIRD! THEY NEED THEIR DAD! AND I NEED YOU TOO SOMETIMES!" She's still screaming at Alex, the tears she tried to hold back now streaming down her cheeks. She's so frustrated and even though she loves him to death, she could kill him right now.

It all started two weeks ago. She had no idea what had been the trigger but one day he just stopped coming home after work. He rather went to Joe's with Jackson or drove to Mer's house to spend his evening there. And when he came home, Jo and the kids already ate dinner and were in bed. Jo has heard him going into their rooms and kissing them good night but he didn't tell them 'I love you'. That's something he always did when they were already asleep when he came home from a long shift. When he then came to their bedroom he ignored Jo, if she was still awake. He went straight to the bathroom, changed and lied down with his back turned to her. No kiss, no 'good night', no smile, no 'I'm sorry', nothing. And Jo has no idea what she did.

He's silent now. He's not screaming back at her just staring into the distance. Without a word he turns around and is about to put his jacket on.

"HELL NO! YOU ARE NOT LEAVING JUST LIKE THAT AGAIN!" Jo hates when he's silent - not arguing back and bottling up all of his feelings. With some quick steps she blocks the front door, crossing her arms over her chest.

"You are not leaving again! We are talking about this, now!" She's talking much calmer but still with a range.

"Jo let me go!" Alex's threatening angryly. His eyes are dark with anger.

"LET ME GO BEFORE I SAY THINGS I'LL REGRET. MOVE!" He's screaming again. Trying to move Jo away from the door. But she's fighting him. He's about to lift her up, when they hear two little voices behind them.


He's letting go of Jo's arms and turns towards his kids.

"Great. You woke them up with your screaming." Jo's mumbling under her breath but Alex heared her very clear. He's turning back around to face Jo again.

"I wasn't the only one screaming here!" He's talking loudly again which the twins interrupt immediately.

"STOP!" "Please don't fight." Emery's face turns red and her eyes fill with tears. Jo pushes Alex to the side to walk towards her daughter. Neeling down she puts her arms around her baby.

"We are not fighting. We only argue a little. Ok? That's what mommies and daddies do sometimes." Talking calmly to her daughter she notices how Alex puts his jacket back up and scoops up their crying son. Without a word he carries him upstairs, Jo does the same with their daughter. Walking by Parkers bedroom, she can see Alex lying beside Parker in his tiny bed. His arms wrapped around his son calmly talking to him.
Jo opens Emery's room door, walks over to the princess bed and puts her down. Jo does the same as Alex and lies down beside Emery.

"Sshhh stop crying, baby girl. Everything's alright. You don't have to cry." Talking quietly to her daughter, Jo strokes a light brown curl behind her babies ear. Emery is craddeled into Jo's side, resting her head on Jo's chest, listening to her mother's heart beat.

"Why was you and daddy screaming, mommy?" Her voice is still teary.

"Because we had a little fight-"

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