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"You feeling better?" Alex askes his wife as they wait in line to get their temperature taken before work, like every time they have to do now, since the global pandemic hit Grey-Sloan too.

"Yes." She answers shortly, smiling under her mask, while she squeezes his hand that is intertwined with hers.

Before Alex can ask any further questions it's their turn. Alex goes first, getting his temperature checked and checked off, that he's clear to work. Jo's next and about to follow her husband when she gets called back by the nurse behind the table.

"Ahm doctor Karev? I'm sorry but I have to ask you to immediately go to the Covid tent and get yourself tested."

"What?" She asks confused; she's neither showing any symptoms nor feeling sick. Well except from this when she puked her guts out because they had crappy food last night, but other than that she felt fine to work.

But looks like she's not. Alex also immediately stops and turns back to his wife. Watching the scene before him, walking back closer, to hear the conversation between Jo and the nurse that resently took their temperature.

"Your temperature is 106 degrees. Above 100 degrees I have to send you to the Covid tent to get yourself tested before you can work. I'm very sorry but it's one of the new hospital laws." The nurse behind the table explains; her mask and face shield hiding her sorry smile.

"Well, alright. See you later then." Jo says, turning to Alex to kiss him through their masks. She's about to walk away when he, instead of taking the other way to the attendings room, follows her.

"What are you doing? Your temperature was fine. Go work." She complaines, as she makes her way to the Covid tent followed by Alex.

"You really think if you have it, I don't? We sleep in the freaking same bed and we definitely didn't stay six feet apart in the last time." He smirks, grabbing Jo's hand again as he holds the door open for her.


In the tent they got a number and had to wait until it's their turn. They got tested and are now waiting for their results.

"Alright, the Karevs." Doctor Bailey speaks as she walks towards them with their results. "Both of your tests have been negative. You can go to work." She declares as she hands them their test results.

"Negativ? Are you sure? Her temperature was 106." Alex askes, looking from Bailey to Jo, who also looks confused and paler by every minute.

"Are you question my testings here, Karev?" Bailey asks in her typical Bailey tone, propping her hands in her hips.

"No, but-"

"Then don't ask stupid questions and take your wife to the ER to get her blood tested." Without another word she's gone.


They do as Bailey told them. Alex takes Jo to the ER, insisting that she lays down on a gurney, while he draws her blood.

"Schmitt!" He shouts at the resident as soon as he walks by. "Are you going to the lab?" Alex asks pointing towards the bags and cups in the residents hands.

"Ahm yes." Schmitt answeres a little terrified by Alex tone.

"Take this and let them test it." He hands Schmitt the blood draw. "And tell them to do it fast. If they ask tell them it's for the chief."

With that the resident is out the door. Alex takes his seat beside Jo's gurney again. She's turned towards Alex, eyes closed. He hates seeing her like that. He knows that she's uncomfortable and feeling like shit.

"You're sure you're still ok?" He once again askes concerned, stroking her hair, as he pulls her slipped mask back over her nose with his other hand.

She answers with a head shake as she opens her eyes, looking up to him.

"I think I'm gonna puke in my mask any second." She answers, closing her eyes again to calm her nausea.

"We will never get take out from that place again." Alex mumbles, still stroking her hair as he leans back on his chair, waiting for Jo's test results in silence.

It's his fault. He should have got them the stupid pizza Jo had wanted, but no he had been way to tired last night after his shift and got them Chinese food from this crappy place in their street. Now he food poisoned his wife and has to watch her while she's feeling more and more crappy, in the middle of a pendemic. He really deserves the award for crappiest husband of the year.

"You should really work, instead of messing up my hair." Jo complains, not making a move, afraid to puke all over her husband if she just moves an inch to much.

"Shut up. I'm not going anywhere. You don't feel well and I doubt that you can get up from this gurney without anyone's help. Also just freaking tell me if I should stop stroking your hair." He answers, stopping his fingers in her hair.

"No don't stop. It helps with the headache." She contradicts.

"What? What headache? When did that start?" He askes immediately even more concerned than before. This is obviously not just food poisoning.

"Don't know, since the nausea subsided a little bit. I'm also a little dizzy."

"Parker!" Alex shouts from his chair towards the resident that is just cleaning up the bed next to them. "Get me an IV bag. Now!"

Two minutes later Parker's back and hooking Jo up to the IV bag. He just finishes as Schmitt rounds the corner with Jo's test results in his hand.

"Here doctor Karev." He hands the paper to Alex. "Ahm congratulations." With that he's gone, leaving Alex and Jo confused behind.

"What does he mean?" Jo asks, trying to sit up but immediately lying back down as a new wave of nausea washes over her. "What does it say?"

"-you're pregnant." Alex answers his wife's question, looking up from the paper with watery eyes.

"What?" She can't believe what she just heard.

"You are pregnant, Jo. 100% pregnant. Knocked up. Ten week pregnant with our baby."

They are both speechless. No one saying a word. They just stare at each other. Not completely getting that their life was just turned upside down within a second. They are going to be freaking parent in about seven months. They haven't really been trying for a baby. But it had been their new year's plan to start a family, they stopped using any kind of protection, but then the Corona virus hit the world and Grey-Sloan and they had other things to think about.
Well not anymore. Now they have a tiny human to think about.

Alex still can't wrap his head around the fact that he's gonna be a Dad soon. The tears in his eyes have found their way down his cheeks, mirroring the tears on his wife's cheeks.

They still just stare at each other until Jo reaches for his cheek and pulls Alex down in her arms. With his face buried in her hair he also wrapps his arms tight around his wife.

"Thank you." He mumbles in her neck, lifting his head to put his forehead on hers. "Thank you, for letting me knock you up." He repeats again. Pulling his mask down first, then pulling hers down to finally kiss her. Both of them are way to happy to care about the people around them, captured in their little bubble of joy. Until the determining voice of Bailey pops it.

"Karev! Karev! Masks back on! Now!"

They seperate with the biggest grins on their faces, putting their masks back over their mouths and noses.

"So if it's a boy I would say Covid and Corona if it's a girl?" He asks sitting back up on his chair, stroking his wife's hair again, looking at her like the smiliest idiot.

"Shut up!"

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