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It's the second day, now, that a massive snow storm is raging over Seattle. Hundreds of houses are without electricity, heat and water. People freeze and all hospitals are packed.

In times like this Jo isn't too mad about the fact that she hadn't left the hospital since the snow started falling two days ago. As soon as they heard the news about the upcoming storm, Alex and Jo decided to stay at the hospital and help wherever they were needed. Luckily daycare decided to stay open 24/7, so their kids were safe too and still able to play with their friends.

The last few hours were hectic; Jo had been in the OR for five hours helping Jackson oparate on a man with bad frostbite. She then had to sprint to the OB floor because one of her patients had collapsed and needed an emergency c-section. After mother and baby were saved and out of the woods she tried to page Alex. He didn't answer, which was pretty unusual for him; this made her anxiety rises, so she started looking for him. After paging him multiple times and peaking into almost every on-call room, she is now on her way to the attendings lounge.

"Hey guys. Hi Scoutie. Hi Wills." Jo greets the Shepherd-Lincoln family that was currently having lunch on the table in the lounge .

"Hi auntie Jojo," Both of the Shepherd-Lincoln kids greet their aunt back, waving their little hands at her.

"I'm looking for my husband, you didn't happen to see him, right?" Jo asks the two adults in the room, walking closer towards them.

"Actually we did. He was here probably half an hour ago and got his jacket and winter boots. Before I could ask what he was doing he was gone." Link answers his friend.

"It looked like he wanted to go outside." Amelia adds as she looked up from their daughters hair she just finished braiding.

"You got to be kidding. Did he take the car keys?" She asks a little annoyed by her husband.

"No I think it was only his jacket and boots." Her friend answers, trying to remember what he saw half an hour ago.

"Great." Annoyed by her husband's stupidity, Jo sits down on one of the chairs and changes into her own winter boots then puts her jacket on. "Pray for him that I won't kill him after I found him."

Amelia and Link share a laugh as Jo leaves the attendings lounge again.

After looking and asking probably every single person in the hospital she finally finds Alex in the little back courtyard behind the cafeteria.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Jo immediately snortes as she sees the sign in front of her.

"We are building a snowman, mommy." Emery squeals happyly, showing her mother the big snowman in front of her.

"I can see that, Emy." Jo smiles, before she turns to Alex and her smile is gone.

"Can you explain to me why you are out here with our kids while it's eight degrees outside?" Placing her hands on her hips, she looks at her husband, shaking her head in disbelief.

"I wanted them to have some fun in the snow. Look at them. You know how much they love snow." Alex tries to explain as he comes closer, slowly putting his arms around Jo's hip to test the water.

"Yeah but not when it's eight degrees outside. What the hell are they even wearing?" Jo asks turning in Alex's arms to look at her kids again.

"The peads floor has this box with kids clothes. So I went there and found the snow pants and gloves and this cute snow overall for Eden." He points toward where their kids were still builting their snowman.

"They are wearing dead kids clothes?" Jo immediately snorts.

"No those are donated clothes." He tries to save it but the look on his wife's face says it all.

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