College Sweethearts

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Request by @LouWalker0 :)


The second she met him, she knew he was trouble. She knew boys like him never hang out with girls like her, nor would they ever consider dating them. He was one of the popular, better than the rest; richer than the rest. At least she thought so.

It was her second day at the new college, she got put in after her latest move into a new foster family. She wasn't necessarily problematic; she was a good student, knew how to behave and still her slight temper often was the reason for another move to a new foster home. Just like this time; her foster brother pissed her off, she screamed, a few punches were involved and next thing she knew she had to leave.

Now she's with the Roger's. They are nice, she's the only kid there, they treat her ok, so she was hoping that that would be her last foster family until she finally turns eighteen next year. But something told her that it won't last long.

"You could at least pretend that you are listening." The voice beside her lets her slip out of her daydream.

"What?" She asks a little annoyed, immediately regretting her tone as she takes a glimpse of the person beside her.

"You make it pretty obvious that you could care less about chemistry." He shrunks, throwing her a smirky grin.

"I actually like chemistry. I wanna become a doctor, so chemistry is pretty important, right?" She answers, trying to change her first impression.

"As much as I know, yes. I'm Alex by the way. I have to take this class again, so I can graduate in summer." She has to smile; as if she wouldn't know his name, the whole school knows his name.

"Jo." She grins, as she shakes his soft hand. "Nice to meet you Alex."


Two weeks later they find themselves sitting next to each other again in the library.

"Looks like fate wants us together." He smirks as he scoots a little closer to whisper in her direction.

"Yeah you wish. You being dumb and needing help so you don't fail chemistry a second time, is what wants us together." She whispers back, giving him a look before she pushes her book closer towards him.

"Wow. Shut up and teach me chemistry, Princess."


Two months later a lot of things have changed. Their weekly studying turns into daily studying, which quickly lead to meetings out of the library, where they got to know each other even better and eventually one day Alex asked Jo out on a date, which ended in them becoming boyfriend and girlfriend.


"Ok I'll go first. If she's having a good day I'll introduce you to her otherwise we'll go straight to my room." He instructs her as he unlocks the front door.

"I'm so nervous, you have no idea." Jo admits, nervously trying to straighten her wrinkled shirt once again.

"Hey you don't have to be, ok? She'll love you." He quickly abandons the key in the lock of the door and turns towards her, putting his hands on her shoulders while their foreheads
touch. "Good day or bad day, she'll see how amazing you are. I told her a lot about you and my stories always helped her calm down, so I guess you have a good effect on people. Look at me, I was a douche. Then I met you and I've changed because of you. Aaron and Amber love you, so she will too. Don't worry, ok?"

"Yeah. Lets do this." She smiles with a slight nod.

"Mom?" He calls out as they walk into the house. Jo right behind Alex, her hand tightly intertwined with his. "Mom, I'm home. I have a guest with me that I want you to meet. Mom?"

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