Mother-in-law (Part 2)

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Three years later...

"Oh no, Helen of course we will come. It's been what three months since we last saw each other. So of course. We would love to celebrate Christmas with you." Jo's standing in the Kitchen, holding onto the wooden island while speaking with her mother-in-law over the phone. She's making a quick gaze over to her two three year olds, who are contently sitting on the couch watching Mickey Mouse.

"You want to speak to them?" Jo's slowly walking over to where her kids are watching TV, waiting for Helen's answer while she mutes the TV.

"Ok, I'll put you on speaker." Doing as she said, she clicks on the speaker button on her phone, sitting down between her babies.

"Guys say hi to grandma."

"Hi grandma." "We miss you, grandma." Her kids are scooting closer to her to speak or rather scream into the phone with excitement. They love their grandma to death.

"Hi, sweeties. I miss you too. But we will see each other very soon. You are going to visit me for Christmas."

"Really?" Both are looking excited at their mother.

"Yes. We will visit grandma for Christmas. We will celebrate with her. And aunt Amber and uncle Matt will be there too."

"And Liam and Grace?" Of course the only thing her kids care about are their cousins.

"And is the new baby there too?"
The twins love their cousins. That's another point why Jo's really happy that she kept in contact with their mother-in-law, even though Alex left her.

"Yes, Emy the new baby will be there too. Her name is Evie." Jo's looking down on her two babies, who continue to talk to her grandma. She is really happy that after all, her kids have her. If Jo would have cut the contract to Helen after that whole Alex crap, they would have no one except Jo. But instead they have a grandma, an aunt, two uncles and three cousins. Sure they also have all their aunts and uncles from the hospital, but Jo's still happy that they have blood relatives.

"Bye grandma." "See you on Christmas." "We love you." Saying their goodbyes to their grandma happily, Jo puts the phone back to normal to also say her goodbye.

"Bye Helen. We'll see you at Christmas."
After the other end says her goodbye too Jo ends the call and puts her phone down on the coffee table.


It's a day before Christmas and here they are. Walking out of the plane in which they were for the last seven hours. The twins are tired even though they slept through almost the entire flight. Jo is holding onto one hand of each kid, guiding them out of the plane and into the airport. After they got their suitcases they are now on their way to the exit. Jo's pulling the suitcases. The twins walk close beside her holding onto each other's hand. They walk through the exit into the freezing cold winter of Iowa. It's also snowing lightly.

"Ok, Peanuts Aunt Amber said left and then left again to the parking space."
So they are walking left and after a few meters they turn left again. Amber is standing in front of her car already waiting for them, not really bothered by all the snow.

As soon as the twins see her aunt they start running towards her.
"Aunt Amber!" "Aunt Amber, we missed you."

She's kneeling down to greet the twins, while Jo walks the last few meters towards them, pulling the suitcases through the snow.

"Hey Peanuts, I missed you too."
She's standing up again and giving Jo a welcoming hug.

"Hi, Jo."

"Thanks for picking us up, Amber. You really didn't need to, we could have taken a cab." Jo lets go of her sister-in- law again.

"Oh no. Of course I came and picked you up. It's not a big deal." Taking the suitcases out of Jo's hands, Amber puts them in the trunk.

"Get in, Peanuts before you turn into little snowmen." Her comment makes them giggle. Jo helps Emery into the car seat, while Amber is helping Parker to buckle up. Then they get into the car themselves.

The ride to the Karev house is cheerful. The twins tell their aunt about all the new stuff they learned in daycare and all the friends they made there. They also tell her about the newest addition to the family, Bubbles the fish, which is on holidays at Mer's house. Amber tells storys about her kids, Jo talks a little bit about work, but they bypass the 'Alex topic' completely. The Karevs understand that Jo doesn't like talking about him. They know what he did. They are in contact with him, but they never talk to Jo about him. And she appreciates that. That topic is still a soft point for her, even after three years.
Of course the twins ask about their dad all the time and Jo never refused to tell them about him. They know his name. They know that grandma Helen is their dads mom. They know that Amber and Aaron are Alex's siblings. Jo had shown them pictures of him, and told them stories, because even though he had hurt her badly, Jo wants her kids to know their Dad.

After half an hour they arrive at the Karev house. Jo and Amber unbuckle the twins and get the suitcases out of the trunk. Walking through the door they are greeted by Helen.

"My grand babies are finally here." she greets them cheerfully and puts her arms around them while they hug her legs.

"We missed you grandma." "So much, grandma."

"I missed you too." Helen's loosens her grip around her grandchildren and they do the same.

"Now take of your coats and shoes and go to the kitchen. Liam, Grace, Evie and Matt are there. I made hot chocolate." With that the twins strip off their coats and boots and run giggeling towards the kitchen. Amber follows them.
Jo puts the suitcases beside the wardrobe, taking of her coat and shoes too and happily greets her mother-in-law with a hug.

"Hi Helen."

"Jo. I'm so happy you made it. Did you have a good flight?" Jo is about to answer when she gets interrupt by the door bell.

"Are you expecting anyone?" Confused Jo looks into her mother- in-laws face, which shows confusion too.

"No." Helen walks around Jo and opens the door.
Jo can't see the visitor, she can only hear the voice. And it's like someone pours ice water down her back.

"Hi mom."

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