Grocery Shopping

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Why the hell did he accept to do this? What the hell was he thinking? Alex is turning into the parking lot of the grocery store right now. The twins are in the back seats fighting loudly over some old candy they found between the seats and don't want to share with each other. The littlest Karev is screaming on top of her lungs because the fighting of her siblings woke her up. Alex's nerves are already lying blank and they haven't even been gone for ten minutes. With a loud sign Alex is parking the car in an empty parking space and kills the engine. He graps his wallet and the shopping list that Jo wrote for him, from the passenger seat and gets out of the car. Opening the car door he unbuckles a red faced, screaming Eden to calm her. While he's rocking his baby girl, he tries to stop the ongoing argument.

"Parker! Emery! Enough! Stop fighting or I will leave you both in the car. Got it?" The twins are immediately silent and nod their heads guilty.

"Good. Now unbuckle and get out of the car." He hates to use his strict dad voice. He wants to be the cool dad and let Jo be the strict parent but from time to time he has to loose his cool. While the twins unbuckel themselves, Alex puts his calmed down baby girl back into her car seat and unstraps it to get it out. With Eden in her baby seat in one hand and the twins on the other hand they walk towards the grocery store. He graps a shopping cart, puts the car seat on top and the twins inside of it. He really couldn't deal with them running around right now. Jo wrote him a shopping list, so he starts to work through it. But of course the twins find something new, they want to have, in every aisle.

"But daddy those are my faaavvoorite cereals." The acting potential of his daughter is actually really good. He knows really well that she only wants those because there's Elsa on it but when she has to eat them she won't like them.

"No Emery, we have cereals at home."
Looking up from the shopping list, he ignores the fake cry of his daughter and pushes the cart out of the aisel.
Same game in the next aisle. The twins see something they want; if Alex tells them no they start crying.
To be honest he would buy them everything they want just to make them happy but if he does, Jo will kill him the second he walkes through the door. Jo hates spoiling their kids with sweets, so they are allowed to pick out only one thing, when they are good the whole shopping trip. But right now they are obviously not being good.
Why did he think bringing the kids grocery shopping was a good idea? Sure he wanted to give Jo a little break. He had noticed that she hasn't had a quiet minute in the last two weeks. She was either working or running behind the kids and trying to keep the house clean. So taking the kids with him really is the least he can do to give his wife an hour of alone time. But those three really are a hand full today. And as if she heared the thoughts of her father the smallest Karev starts fussing. So Alex unstraps her and puts her against his chest. Pushing the cart with one hand, he walks into the next aisle. Bad idea! It's the candy aisle. And of course the twins start crying for their favorite candy immediately. The sorry and disgusted looks from the other costumers aren't really helping. Alex already feels like the crappiest dad.

"Are those all yours?" Of course this woman has to talk to him now.

"Yes. They are all mine." He's putting on a fake smile while answering the blonde woman. She's probably in her mid thirtys. Tall, skinny, she reminds him of Izzie a little bit, but she's nothing compared to his wife.

"Do they have a mother? Or are you a single dad?" She askes. Of course she has to flirt with him. It's not like he is wearing a wedding ring or something. But it's always like that even when Jo is with him. Women think he's attractive and start to flirt with him. It's probably because of the kids. They see Alex with his kids and immediately think he's a single dad.

"Yes they have a mother and we are happyly married for four years now." He tries to show her that he has absolutely no interest but she keeps hitting on him by caressing his arm.

"Which is not a hindrance-"

"Hey woman! Get away from my daddy!" His daughters voice is interrupting them angrily.

"My mommy won't like that, woman!" His son adds angrily. Alex has to hold back a laugh. His kids are the best. Even though they were hating him two seconds ago for not buying them the candy they want, they are now defending him.

Without another word the woman turns and leaves the aisle as fast as she can. A proud dad feeling flows through Alex's body.

"Thanks kiddos for saving your daddy but you know that we don't scream at other people. Right?"

"Yes daddy." "Sorry." They apologize shyly, afraid to be in trouble. But Alex is not planing to discipline them, instead he puts the now sleeping Eden back into her baby seat and lifts the twins out of the cart.

"Ok kiddos, you can have one of your favorite candy." Cheerfully the twins run towards the candy and pick their favorite ones. Emery picks sour gummy worms, while Parker picks a bag of chips.

"And now we pick something to bring mommy." Alex tells them while lifting them back into the cart.

"Donuts!" "But some with powdered sugar, daddy." The twins immediately know what to get their mommy. And Alex agrees.

"Then powdered donuts it is."


On the way home the twins are peacefully enjoying their chosen snacks, while Eden is sleeping.

At home Alex unbuckels the twins and puts the baby seat out of the car. Each twin gets two light bags to carry inside while Alex carries the rest of the bags and the baby seat. When they walk into the house through the back door, it's completely quiet.

"Ok Peanuts put your bags on the kitchen table please and then take of your shoes." Done as said the twins put their bags on the kitchen table and run to the hall to take of their shoes. Alex puts his bags down on the table too and unstraps his baby girl from her car seat. She's still sleeping so he puts her in her swing, which is in the living room. Turning his view to the couch he has to smile. His wife is lying on their couch, wrapped in a warm blanket. Hair put in a messy bun, her hands are holding tight onto the pillow, where her head is resting on. She's out cold and she still looks freaking gorgeous. Alex has no idea how his wife does always look so flawlessly beautiful without even trying. He walks towards her and wakes her with a loving kiss on her cheek.

"Hey Princess, we are back." He kneels down beside her and whispering in her ear. She's stirring softly while caressing his cheek with her eyes still closed. A slight smile on her lips, before she puts them together to show him that she wants a kiss. So Alex leans forward and gives her a small peck on her lips before they get interrupt by their twins running into the living room.

"Mommy we got you something." Parker cheerfully announces while Emery carries the pink box toward her parents. Jo sits up on the couch and Alex takes the seat beside her. Emy places the box on her mommy's lap and sits down beside her brother on the couch.

"You brought me donuts. Thank you kiddos." Jo cheerfully opens the box and hands out a powdered donut to everyone. They contently eat their donuts while the twins tell their mommy all about their trip to the grocery store, not leaving out the evil woman who was flirting with their daddy.

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