A family trip

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"Daddy where are we going?"
Excited but also a little bit annoyed their four year old asks from the back of the car.
They haven't told their kids where they are going. To be honest their kids had no clue that they were going anywhere until they woke them up at five this morning.
Jo had secretly packed all of their suitcases over the last week and hidden them in their wardrobe.
And now they were on a family trip.
Alex and Jo had planned this trip a long time ago but everytime something got in the way.
But it finally worked out this time and they were as excited about this trip as their kids.
Well at least the twins are. They fell back to sleep the minute Alex strapped them in their car seats but now they are fully awake and annoying their parents with questions.
Their little four months old couldn't care less.
She slept through all of the early morning madness and is still slumming contently in her car seat.
Happy that at least one of their monsters is sleeping Jo tries to keep the twins entertained while Alex is driving.

"You know just because mommy isn't answering your questions doesn't mean that I will tell you where we're going. It's a surprise. So you have to wait and see."
Taking a quick glimpse to the right he can see his wife smiling.
They really want this to be a fun, exciting family trip for their kids that they would remember.

"Ok guys mommy wants to play 'I spy'. Who wants to start?"
Trying to keep the kids distracted, Jo turns around to see the faces of her babies lighten up in excitement. It's their favorite game but Jo hates it. So it really is something special when they play it.
"Meeee!" "Me!" Both of them try to rise their little hands as high as they can.
"Alright Emy gets first. But we have to play quite, ok guys, Eddie is still sleeping and you know we don't want to wake her up, understood?"
Jo's now looking into two wildly nodding, dead silent faces.
Those two know really well what it means to disturb their baby sisters sleep.
The smallest Karev loves her sleep and if it gets disturbed she will cry bloody murder. She's obviously her daddy's daughter. Because no one disturbs his sleep or he will be grumpy all day long.

So now all quiet Emery starts.
"I spy something- yellow."
Parker and Jo start looking around in the car to see what yellow they have.
"Is it Eddie's binkie?"
Parker is pointing to it but Emery shakes her head no.
"No. It's against the rule. Mommy can't see Eddie's binkie from there."

Emery is their little know it all. She knows everything. At least thats what she thinks. And when it comes to rules she really tries to follow them correctly. She really likes equality. Especially when it comes to her daddy. She will start counting the kisses and hugs Alex is giving her siblings to get equally as much.
Alex and Jo really have no idea from who she got that.

"Is it the corn, outside?"
It is Jo's turn to guess, but she is wrong too.
"No it's not the corn, mummy. But it's close."
"So it's outside?"
Now Parkers turn to guess and he gets a nod from his sister.
"The sun?"
"Yes!" Emery gives him a high five and smiles contently.
"Your turn, bro."

You can hear a chuckle from the driver's seat, which Jo comments with a slap on his right arm.
She hates it when her kids pick up words like this from their father. Which he knows and secretly teaches them to annoy their mother.

"I spy- something grey."
The little smirk on her sons face tells Jo that he picked something difficult.
He really loves to win so he picks very difficult things every time they play. He really is the opposite of his sister. He likes to cheat. And does everything to win. He truly is a Karev.
He really loves to team up with his daddy and play pranks. They sneak around the house to scare the girls or giggle in a corner together over their 'boy jokes'.
But he also is a real mommie's boy.
Since their where babies it has been that way.
Emery absolutely was a little daddies girl, while Parker loves his mommy to death.

"Mmhhh. My car seat." Is Emery's first guess.
Knowing that her son picked something difficult Jo keeps looking around until her eyes fell on something. She knows that that isn't it but she uses the template.
"Is it daddys hair?"
She smirks at Alex and has to laugh when she sees his grumpy face. She knows exactly what he wants to do but has to restrain it in front of the kids.
"I'm joking, grumpy. Your hair aren't grey."

She loves to make jokes about his age, because she knows that that is his sensetive spot.
Their age difference has never really been a big point in their relationship. They never cared. It is just a number. But Alex cares. More than he admits. He had told Jo a lot of times that his biggest fear is to loose her to a younger man her age. Which is absolutely bullshit. Jo would never leave him for another man. Never.
She had told him that a million times but it was still a soft point.

So she leanes over to Alex and kisses his temple while caressing his upper thigh in the right spot.
Which immediately makes his face go from grumpy to surprised. While he inhales sharply and tightens his grip around the steering wheel.
Rubbing the spot a little harder she leans in his ear and whispers something only audible for Alex.
"When the kids are in bed you can show me how young you are. Deal?"
His voice is a whisper. But his smirk says it all.
With another kiss on this temple Jo turns back to her kids but leaves her hand exactly were it is.

After another hours of playing 'I spy', and a little potty and snack break the Karev kids where now all taking a nap.

While Alex and Jo enjoy the silence.
The radio is the only thing audible, while their keep driving.
They switched at their last break so Jo's driving now and Alex is on the passenger seat. His hand resting on her thigh now.

"You think they will like it?"
Alex askes, looking at his beautiful wife's side profile while his head is reasted on the headrest.
"Are you kidding? They will love it. They will love it even more when your mom, Amber and the kids show up."
She's looking at him but quickly back to the street.
"I hope so. I'm excited to see my mom and Amber and her kids again. It was a good idea to invite them too."
He's caressing her thigh now, while smiling.
Her hand is coming from the steering wheel to grap his hand from her thigh and gives it a squeeze.
There are no more words needed.
Both of them know exactly what the other one is thinking.
And they keep driving in a content silence.

Half an hour later their destination is in sign.
"Go wake them up. You can see the castle from here."
Now Jo gets excited too.
So Alex turnes around to wake their kids.
"Emy, Peanut, wake up, we're here. Wake up guys. Look where we are."
You can hear little groans from the pack seats, while they rub their sleepy eyes.
But as soon as they spot their destination they are wide awake.

"Daddy that's Cinderella's Castle. It's a Castle!" "Are we in Disneyland, Daddy?" "Daddy look their's Mickey Mouse on the sign!" "Daddy look!" "Daddy!" "Mommy do you see it?"
Their twins were way to excited to stay still. They were jumping and kicking and waving around in their seats.
Even the smallest Karev joins the party and starts to squeal happily along her siblings.

"I do see it, sweetie. We are in Disneyland. You're right."
Watching her excited children through the rearview mirror Jo can't other than smile.
Man, she loves those tiny humans.

"And you know who we will meet in Disneyland? Grandma, Aunt Amber and your cousins."
Alex has to smile too, he would do everything to see his kids this happy every day. He loves it to see those big smiles on their faces.
Their laughs are his favorite noise in the world.
He would have never thought but those humans make him the happiest man on earth.

Turning back from his kids to his wife, he is faced with an even bigger smile on her face. He can see her watching their kinds through the mirror. And it makes his heart burst.
He had no idea how he, the biggest jeark on earth, got blessed with this beautiful woman and those amazing children.

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