Family Christmas Time

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"Daddy could you hold still already?" Emery asks a little annoyed already.

Not really pleased with the sentence his three year old just threw at him, he nevertheless did what she asks, because let's be honest, he's so whipped. That little girl had him wrapped around her tiny fingers the second she was born. She had looked him directly in the eyes two minutes after she was born and his heart had busted. He would have never thought that he could love someone within a second. Sure he could say that it was kind of love at first sight with him and Jo, at least from his side, but it wasn't like 'Wow I love her', it was more like 'wow that girl just took my breath away'.
With his daughter it has been this 'I love her and I will do anything for this little girl'.
Even before she was born, it has been like that. From the second he saw her and her brother on that ultrasound machine he knew that he was screwed. He heard their little heart beats and he was done. He loved them more and more every day they were in Jo's womb. Their first kicks made him go crazy and feeling them calm down through Jo's skin, when he was talking to them, just made is heart go soft.
So yes, he always knew that kids would change him, but he would have never thought that they would make him this soft and this crazy happy. His kids are his everything.
So that's also the reason why he is sitting here right now, in front of their white couch, hands lying on a white towel, while his three year old is sitting opposite of him on the coffee table, painting his nails purple.
Because how could he say no to his little girl? She asked really nice and even used 'please', so what other answers was there then 'yes'. It's not like she asked to cut his hair, he could easily remove the paint when she is asleep. So what. She is having fun. And he is spending time with his little girl.
Because reality is, life as a surgeon is hard. He has long days, sometimes even longer nights. When he is on opposite schedules with Jo, they have days where they don't see each other at all.
Sometimes he has to wake up crazy early so nobody is awake yet and when he cames home everybody is already asleep. Sometimes he hates his job. But he couldn't complain about it in this moment; everyone is on Christmas break.
It's two days before Christmas and he and Jo are lucky that the new ones have to work this Christmas. Daycare is also closed and they enjoy their family time at home. To be honest they had quite a full day today. When they got up, they went down and had waffles for breakfast. After that they got dressed and played in the snow outside. They build snowcastles and a snowman family in their front yard, then had hot chocolate in front of the fireplace, to warm up again.
After their lunch they drove to the mall and met Santa and went Christmas shopping. Everyone got some new clothes for Christmas and their upcoming holiday in Iowa. When they got home everyone took a nap, they played a little bit in the living room and then had a cookie baking party, that went a little out of hands, in the kitchen. So after that, Alex gave Emery a bath, while Jo and Parker cleaned the kitchen.
And now he's sitting here with his girl, while they are waiting for Parker and Jo to be finished with their bath, to watch a Christmas movie before it's bedtime.

"Done. I'm done daddy." Looking down at his daughter and his colored nails make him smirk. Jip, he does totally live his dream.

"Wow. Look at my nails. They are so pretty. Thank you, Emy." Seeing how proud his baby is, makes him happy. Sure the paint isn't only on his nails but she did quite a good job for a three year old.

"And what about my nails?" Hearing his wife's voice, he looks up from his daughter and towards the door of the living room.
She in her Christmas PJs, which isn't fitting that well anymore, because that six month baby bump needed quite some space. The Santa on her shirt is a little stretched and you can see a little bit of skin showing, but she doesn't really care. She is wearing his pyjama pants because hers don't fit her anymore; the shirt and the pants aren't really matching, but who cares. Alex still thinks she's hot. He gets torn out of his daydreaming, when a smack hits his arm.

"Stop staring. I already know that I look like a whale and this time there's only one in there." She sits down on the couch as good as her bump lets her, while Alex gets up from the floor and takes the seat next to her.

"I wasn't staring because you're looking like a whale, I was staring because you look hot as hell. And I was thinking about all the things I could do with you right now." He whispers in her ear, quietly so the twins can't hear him. He gets another smack against the chest as an answer.

"Stop saying things like that, jerk. You know my hormones are all over the place and I'm horny all the time. So shut up, jerk. There are kids in the room."

He smirks at her and starts kissing her special spot on her neck. Which immediately drives her crazy, to her luck they get interrupted by their son.

"Daddy can you put on Mickeys Christmas Story, please?"

Looking at his sons big brown eyes, Alex grabbes the remote and starts Disney+ on their TV. The twins are lying on the floor, like every time they have a family movie night. A wile ago Jo and Alex bought two giant pillows that the twins love to lie on while watching TV. They have their blankets covering them and their favorite stuffed animal in their arms.

So with the twins on the floor, Alex and Jo have the couch for themselves. Jo gets herself comfortable while Alex startes the movie. With the movie playing, Alex gets comfortable on the couch too and Jo puts a blanket over them.
Alex is lying behind Jo, one hand under her head, the other one on her bump.
He isn't really paying attention to the movie because all he could think of is how freaking lucky he got; lying on their couch in their own house. He has the most amazing woman in his arms, his two perfect children lying on the floor and the other one is kicking softly against his hand. What did he do to deserve all of this? He has no freaking idea. But he couldn't be more happy.

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