SMS (Part 4)

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[Alex, Jo]
Thursday 3:32 pm

Hey. I have bad news.
My mom has a new phone and would like to join our family group chat.

Why is that bad news? We love your mom. Should I add her?

I guess.

Sure 😋
Who bought her a new phone?

She bought it herself. To get more pictures of her grandkids.

She's so cute 🥰

She's gonna annoy us to death.

Don't say that. She'll need at least two weeks to understand how everything works.

She said she has a kid that comes to the library every day that offered to show her everything on her phone.

We'll that's gonna be fun 😋😂

I'm so gonna block her if she annoys me.

Alex, she's your mom

So? Doesn't mean she can text me whenever she wants and can expect an answer.

We'll see about that 😂

- The Karev's -
3:47 pm
Jo added Helen Karev

Welcome Helen! ~Jo

Hi mom! ~Alex

Hey you two. Thank you Jo for putting me in here. ~Helen

Oh you're welcome, Helen ~Jo

Hi mom 💜 ~Amber

What is this picture, Amber? ~Helen

You call them Emojis mom. You can add them to your text to make it a little more fun 😊 ~Amber

Ok. How do I do it? ~Helen

Can't that kid show you how to do it? ~Alex

Yeah. It's probably gonna be a little complicated to show you over text. ~Jo

Alright. I'm gonna ask Marcus tomorrow at the library. ~Helen

Oh Marcus is his name 🤔
Interesting ~Alex

Who's Marcus? ~Amber

The kid that helps Mom figure out her new phone ~Alex

Alex that question was for me. ~Helen

But I typed faster 😏💪 ~Alex

Alex! Go back to work. Didn't you say you have a surgery at 4? ~Jo

Fuck 😳 Bye. ~Alex

Alex! ~Helen

He's gone mom. ~Amber

Oh. ~Helen

Hi mom! ~Aaron

Aaron! Hi my sweet boy. How are you doing? ~Helen.

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